Thursday, March 17, 2016

All other inmates locked up when Breivik be aired –

SKI / OSLO (Dagbladet): Today, on the third day of the trial where Anders Behring Breivik (37) has sued the State for inhuman and degrading treatment in prison, explaining key people from Ila Prison and Skien prison itself. These witnesses have all had close contact with the terrorist, and are key to establishing a sense of whether he has suffered from sitting isolated.

Locks into all

Tore Stenshagen is section head of the department where Breivik zones in Skien jail. Not many months ago extended prison air supply for Breivik from a smaller paddocks to the main exercise yard, after criticism from the Ombudsman.

But it is very costly to bring Breivik on tour, he stated in court.

– It is difficult for security. We must have enough people on Breivik. Out of security considerations, we’ve decided that it should remain under the full lock, says Stenshagen.

This means that everyone else is serving in Skien prison must be locked up in their cells while Breivik get outside for fresh air. He describes that Breivik increasingly exposed to threats.

– It appears sometimes that other inmates say they will “get” Breivik, if given the chance. Therefore, we must lock to safeguard Breivik security. For some escalates this when there is a lot of attention on TV and so on, said Stenshagen.

– Prepared isoalsjon

Bjarne Haukeland was prison doctor Breivik Ila Prison since he entered in July 2011 to summer of 2012. he says he did not find any evidence that mass killing man took harm by the conditions in the prison during the 21 consultations.

– When he came to us, he was prepared to be isolated, and was almost surprised that it went so well. He compared himself with other prisoners he knew were in isolation, tell the doctor in court.

In the first period took place consultations on Breivik smooth cell – without glass wall, but with three prison officers present. Later built the prison a sort of glass cage in the visiting room where matches took place. To date, Breivik a glass wall between themselves and visitors.

– Not wise

Haukeland describes that Breivik was at a good mood. Sometimes however, he had less energy, and kept a slower pace.

– I noted a change in behavior, which he has said he was tired or had difficulty sleeping, he said.

– Did he symptoms of apathy? will state attorney Adele Matheson Mestad know.

– No, in the first phase, he was very energetic and had many projects underway. He talked about how many articles and books he would write, saying Haukeland.

Breivik is described as a person who has good ability to plan. Matheson will know about healthcare in Ila may have been misled by the terrorist underreported in meetings with him. Haukeland rejects this.

– It would be to miss something important when he had so well supervised. There were so many who constantly had contact with him that it is not possible, says the doctor.

He said that Breivik in the first stage had very many different contacts – lawyers, prison officers, doctors, nurses. Thus he was busy employed during this period.

Mestad wonder what are the symptoms of a typical insulation damage. Haukeland answer is that the academic community does not know, since it has not been researched specifically for this.

– The have has been studied, complete sensory isolation – where one is deprived of sight and sounds, says the doctor.

– withstand offense

Mestad will further know about how so-called atonement fatigue manifests itself.

– When will you get symptoms that are more severe. But it is conceivable that the detainees will too, and it’s not health care anything about, says the munnrappe doctor.

During the criminal proceedings in 2012 was Breivik the last expert team, Terje Tørrissen and Agnar Aspaas, diagnosed with narcissistic personality disorder. Mestad wonder if it may have made him especially vulnerable to imprisonment and seclusion.

– Narcissism is not one thing. Some are very violable, and has a picture of himself as infallible; when they are violated, they can do terrible things – like. The good host who beats his wife when the guests have gone, because everything was not perfect, says Haukeland.

– Then there are others who are completely invulnerable. Breivik tolerate offense beats doctor fixed.

Breivik lawyer Øystein Storrvik cites reports from the head of department at Ila, who says that the terrorist in February 2013 was so tired of being nakenransaket that he cut down on air tours from every day to every three days. Haukeland says “stripping” was not discussed that issue with him.

– He was in worse condition for a while, then took it up. It is like that in prison, says the doctor.

49 employees

Earlier today testified prison doctor Bjorn Draugedalen at Skien prison. He stated in court that neither he nor his colleagues have seen evidence of insulation damage by Anders Behring Breivik as he has served in Skien prison.

Former department head at Breivik’s department, Margit Kise, the court explained that the 49 employees working on it in the department of especially high security, to safeguard Breivik. She said a coordinating group in prison, consisting of prison managers, department heads and others, weekly meeting to evaluate the week and risk assess the situation.

Kise had relatively frequent contact with Breivik, and found him polite. She stressed that she is not skilled in the art, but said she had not discovered something that could indicate insulation defects in Breivik.


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