Monday, February 15, 2016

Norwegian police: Espen Lee and medsiktede investigated still in Cyprus – VG

Norwegian police claim that their counterparts in Cyprus still investigating Espen Lee and the two Norwegians he was charged with. Cypriot police repeats VG that case is closed.

Shortly after 12 o’clock Monday writes Eastern Police District following in a statement:

“Norwegian police were in contact with the Cypriot authorities on the morning of Friday February 11, before action was taken and confirmed through official channels that the case is still being investigated in Cyprus, although the three accused in the case is sent from Cyprus. “

Friday was the day after Espen Lee and Thurs the 2nd Norwegians were released on Cyprus after they were accused of being on the resort island to abduct a child on behalf of a Norwegian father.

CLAIMED tHEY SHOULD GET CAR: – If I had a different name, it would not have been a problem

Official channels

Both Espen Lees defender, John Christian Elden and the child’s father defends Morten Engesbak told VG yesterday that they believed the Norwegian indictment had been a misunderstanding since the Norwegians were released on Cyprus, and that the Norwegian police violate human rights if they repeat one dismissed prosecution from another European country.

for VG expands police lawyer Bjorn Rudningen Thune that they relate to which they gain from official channels in Cyprus.

– We have not received any formal confirmation that the case has been dropped. By Friday we received thus confirmed that the investigation is still ongoing, and that they would still like our assistance. Should we get other information from the Cypriot authorities, as it will help to form the basis for evenuell further investigation or recommendation of the said police prosecutor.

It stands in contrast to what Cypriot police reports VG Monday:

– the case ended with the expulsion of them. We can not and we have not, more to say, said spokesman Andreas Angelivis.

VG are told that all four in Norway is charged with deprivation of liberty and caring evasion.

the three Norwegians have always claimed that they were in Cyprus to pick up a car on behalf of the Norwegian child’s father. When man Greek Cypriot wife left him for good in November, she took both the couple’s daughter and the man’s car back to her home country.

Norwegian criminal

It was also Friday, while the three put on a plane back to Norway, the Norwegian police in a crackdown took into and ransacked the homes of the three Norwegians and businessman who is the father of 3-year-old who is central to the case.

All the four Norwegians were then indicted in the case in Norway. Sunday informed the police in Eastern Police District in Østfold that there is an ongoing investigation in Norway regardless of the case in Cyprus but did not say more.

CAR: This is the car, a newer Volvo, as the  three Norwegians reportedly would fetch p & #  xE5; Cyprus. Photo: HARALD HENDEN, VG
cAR: This is the car, a newer Volvo, as the three Norwegians reportedly would fetch in Cyprus. Photo: HARALD HENDEN, VG

The press release writes police today that it was first contacted by the Cypriot police on 5 February with a request for assistance to the investigation of the case in Norway. Due to an incomplete rogatory could Norwegian police should not commence an investigation on behalf of the police in Cyprus then.

you got ? Espen Lees perilous life

Norwegian police believed, however, that it was due to start an investigation to determine whether it could be committing criminal offenses in Norway. It was therefore established Norwegian criminal, writes police.

– There are therefore two separate investigations, and it’s not necessarily reflect what we are investigating in the Norwegian case and what Cypriots ask us for assistance says Rudningen Thune told VG.

High priority

First, last Tuesday, 9 February, was a formal legal request from Cyprus received by police Østfold. The day after the enlightened police in Cyprus – including VG – that the case was dismissed. Then the police in Norway contact with Cypriot police, and did also confirmed that the case was still under etterforsknign and they still oxidation desired assistance of the police in Norway.

Central evidence: Here is car Espen Lee claims he would fetch

Faced VG do not Rudningen Thune go into detail on exactly what Cypriots have asked for help. It’s whatever the Cypriot case against Espen Lee and the two he was charged with there, which is why the Norwegian police started their investigation, and thus conducted searches at the three, as well as the child’s father Friday.

– The case is still under investigation in Norway. Four people have status as indicted in the case in Norway. The investigation is still in its early stages. The case has a high priority with the police, writes police press release.

For VG want police prosecutor not to say anything about what investigative steps, beyond Friday’s search warrant, as is done in the Norwegian case. Nor whether the four accused are questioned.

Espen Lees lawyer John Christian Elden, writes in an SMS to VG Monday afternoon:

– Any police authority can investigate as much they will. The fact is hardly changed from the conclusion of Cyprus that there is a criminal offense. Police charge in Norway will only incur liability for unjustified prosecution in Norway.


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