Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Minister: – A breakdown in trust between the government and the Liberal Party –

(Dagbladet): Left leader Trine Skei Grande says no to immigration minister all of Sylvi Listhaug 40 tightening proposals in asylum policies.

– The government has gone considerably further than that they have a basis for the settlement we have signed for. We believe the requirements of residence and family reunification has gone so far that it violates a number of international conventions, says Skei Grande.

Left reaping immediate criticism from several of the other parties in parliament.

Ap: – Breakdown in trust

Støre lashed out against the government and Prime Minister Erna Solberg in question time today. Labor leader follow up with further criticism of the bourgeois by Left today said no to asylum package.

– I think it’s very wise about Erna Solberg thinks very much about. There is a need for a concerted effort to integrate, but it lay in the settlement before Christmas. I think the prime minister and the government has managed the Settlement poor, says Støre adding:

– One of the government’s support parties reject all government has presented since July It appears to me that a breakdown in confidence. All demand for information has the government been called wobbling or something that could threaten the country’s borders. Since Listhaug was minister has been a hard run on all parties who have requested information.

– Can you be a part of a settlement where Left is not doing?

– There will not comment now. Politicians must now make a concerted effort for those who need it, and we are ready to take the responsibility, responds Minister.

– What Should Left do now?

– They should take the consequences of that they have put FRP into government.

MDG: – Typical Left

Environment Party the Greens say it is classic Left to get cold feet after having been too easygoing.

– This is typical Liberal Party. First yes to everything, so no to everything. Left should basically never agreed to the settlement, says Environment Party’s Rasmus Hansson.

– MDG has said no to austerity measures in family reunions from day 1. The same, we have said to increased temporality of minors. Both have we said no to because we saw that this would lead to unacceptable treatment of people fleeing.

The Center: – Political games

Liberal old variety comrades Centre Party accuses straight out party for conducting political game.

Both we and the Liberal Party were involved in a settlement, and then also have dialogue underway to make adjustments. Therefore we think it is odd to say no to everything. We were the agreed main lines before Christmas. Saying no to everything is more a political game, says Vedum Dagbladet.

By no later than yesterday stated Left critically to the Progress line in asylum cases and claimed the party Vingla. Today boasted thus party all of the Government’s proposals for asylum austerity.

KrF: – Significant changes

Knut Arild Hareide is clear that his party also dissatisfied with the proposals Sylvi Listhaug have sent out for comment, but denies that his party has taken the same stance as the Left .

– Should the government have a majority, they will have to make significant changes. So we have not taken a position on the 40 proposals, because they are not on our table, they are sent out for consultation, says Knut Arild Hareide.

The party leader is clear that the Christian Democrats nor can go with all proposals from Listhaug, but that Democratic Party intends “to be constructive.”

– I would probably not say that we should ignore the whole package, but it must be significant changes if the government will have a majority. But we are constructive, we want to be getting to solutions.

Right: – Opens for asylum decisions without Left

Conservatives Trond Helleland admits he is amazed Liberal initiatives and does not rule out that the Conservatives will find a solution without Left.

– Much of what is in the draft document are asylum agreement. I am a bit surprised that the Liberals reject everything, but I would like a mark that Left wants a new direction, says ruling party’s parliamentary leader told Dagbladet.

– Is that an option for you to go ahead without Left?

– The main thing for us is to get the majority of our policy .

– have you gone too quickly with proposals?

– one may have gone too fast on some of the proposals, responding Helleland.

FRP: – We are awaiting

Liberal announcement today may put obstacles in both the government’s asylum policy and government cooperation as a whole.

– We take the Liberals’ initiative under advisement. We are awaiting the government’s proposed measures and assume it is natural that the debate be taken when proposals actually exist in its final form. Beyond this we only to agreements entered into in Parliament in autumn with various orders of the government, says the Progress Party’s parliamentary leader Harald T. Nesvik Dagbladet.

A: – So wrong it can go

Socialist Left Party was not involved in asylum settlement in Parliament. Now they want Left welcome after.

– It is good that the Liberals now see how wrong it was to settle neck over head and go with the suggestion that they apparently even does not know what they meant, says SV Karin Andersen about the news of the Liberal asylum-no, says SV Karin Andersen.

– I challenge Left to be involved in formulating demands for the government to promote strong international action to address this jointly with other countries. It is the only solution and there is government very passive, she adds.


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