Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Family called dog yesterday – took the shot in the field today – Dagbladet.no

(Dagbladet): The dog was reported missing to police in gårkveld, when it vanished from the family’s farmyard in the small hamlet Hauka in Midtre Gauldal Municipality Sor-Trondelag.

The family searched in vain for the animal last night, and found it finally in nine o’clock today.

– One of the members in the family then finds the dog in a field at the farm, and report to us that it is shot. We’ve looked at it now, and verify it. We’re a little uncertain about what guns are used, but probably it is a rifle, said operations manager Ebbe Kimo in Trøndelag Police District told Dagbladet.

It is unclear what has happened and who killed the dog. The farm is secluded, and no one has applied for hunting rights in the area. Since it is winter, there are no other people have sheep or animals on pastures, and who can claim to have shot the dog in self-defense.

– The dog is found in the family’s own home field, and there is no trace or implying that it has hunted animal or something like that, explains Kimo.

The police have started to investigate the case, but is currently without a trace. They are now asking people to contact if they know anything about the case.

– How does your family here?

– I have not talked to them personally, but there are of course no one wants to find her dog dead on the way, says Kimo.

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