Friday, February 12, 2016

“And I think that you should try to suck dick ten times a day for a whole year … –

(Dagbladet): Three Young Liberal politicians left last March 8 Committee parole meeting in Oslo.

Representatives from youth party came with a proposal to remove “enforce sex-purchase law” as flagship during marker.

the answer from trim celebrity Kari Jaquesson shaken girls and deputy Oslo Young Liberals, Anna Dåsnes, told Dagbladet yesterday that “Jaquesson spoke up and said among other things that we should soak ten cocks a day to understand how it is to work in brothels. “

Jaquesson wrote a post today as she walks through his version of the case. Now student channel Radio Nova, who was present at the meetings, released an audio recording in which it appears what Jaquesson said at the meeting.

– Suction dick ten times a day

Dagbladet transcribed recordings from the radio station, presenting them here in print.

Jaquesson: “Then I must be allowed to address the proposal brothels and would recommend a small study tour to Belgium and Germany to see how long it takes in these parent forms. (Applause)

Also, I think … well, I think that you should try to suck dick ten times a day for a whole year to see how much you are. “

The audience: Ah. Excuse me (inaudible).

Jaquesson: It’s sex trade. Buying sex is not about a festive, abstract idea that one has the right to do what they want with their bodies. There is nothing abstract with the daily lives of those who need to sell sex. As must ask their body … their own body orifices available to those who will pay. “

” When I shook on the way up here on the way up Tollbugata, then it says girls, the police can only set up and arrest those who come and offer these girls money. To get fucked, to suck and put their health at stake. For it is the buying of sex. It’s not a pretty woman, okay?

“It’s not a wealthy client who comes and sweeps through Opera. It’s semen and poop and pee and spit and kroppsvæsler that you have no choice to accept. So I’m shocked, simply.

“It’s about the ban. There are not buying sex without customers and strippefri city is so important, because strip clubs run by organized crime. The same forces that sells girls. The same forces that are engaged in all sorts of trafficking. So it is very important. All this hangs together, so to enforce sex-purchase law, we must stand hard on. “Says Jaquesson.

Suggested brothel

The reaction to Jaquesson came after representatives with ties to Left proposed to remove the slogan of “enforce sex-purchase law” and proposed, among other brothels.

The meeting was Anna Dåsnes, deputy head of the Oslo Young Liberals, Maria Katinka Small (19), head of Oslo liberal fraternity and Amanda Schei (24), president of the Norwegian Left Ladies’ team.

First took Dåsnes advocated removing sex trade law, before Small took up brothels and Jaquesson came with his answer.

Schei told Dagbladet yesterday that the three eventually started crying and left the meeting.

Both Left and Young Liberals platform calls its opposition to the ban.

Liberal leader Trine Skei Grande has reacted strongly to Jaquesson statements during the meeting, and asked her to apologize.

– Specific concepts

Jaquesson says she has complained against one of the participants.

– I was deeply shaken and used very concrete expression, but after hearing audio history, I believe that my equivalent completes work involving. However I probably kept a little again if I knew that minors at the meeting.

– I’ve called one underage woman today and apologized, and asked for the phone number of her parents in order to have a chat with them, but she would not. The described exchange of words in which each person had two minutes lasted less than 10 minutes of a four-hour long meeting, writes Jaquesson even in an SMS to Dagbladet.

– There was no one who was prevented from taking the word, the meeting was neat and chairpersons very authoritative and accurate. All subscribed by one on the list of speakers and after the two minutes they had at their disposal beaten moderator. No one spoke in chorus. If one comes with initiatives at a meeting must expect to be contradicted. Here, no one came with personal characteristics or other person attacks, writes Jaquesson.


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