Tuesday, August 4, 2015

Threatening to close daisy. – Unreasonable that we should create an action plan on one day – Dagbladet.no

(Dagbladet): Thursday was a 18 year old Daisy employee seriously injured his leg trapped under one of the boats on the roller coaster “Super Splash” would start to run.

Following day, Friday, , conducted Arbeidstilynet supervision in the park and concludes in a report that Daisy has broken the Work Environment Act mapping, risk assessment, measures and plan.

– During the audit revealed that the employer has not charted work accident . Employer has not undertaken a risk assessment, taken the necessary measures or prepared plan with a deadline for implementing measures, the report said.

Labour Inspectorate has also decided that the attraction “Super Splash” can not open before Daisy has mapped cause of work accident and then made a risk assessment and in light of this implemented measures. Daisy has gotten to 5 October to respond.

– What appears in the Labour Inspectorate’s report is entirely consistent with what we have communicated since the accident. We will keep attraction closed until causation is known. We shall implement the necessary measures Labour Inspectorate in its report requires. What we now question is whether there have been breaches. Since we said attraction will remain closed until further notice, it seems unreasonable to expect it to be an action the day after the accident, less than 24 after it happened. There are several considerations to take and we think a hasty action will be a bad plan, says CEO Bjørn Håvard Solli in Daisy Dagbladet.

Arbeidstilsynet alerts in its report that if the order is not held within the time limit, they will consider closing all or part of the business.

– How we perceive the report contains some standard formulations I guarantee that this will be fine in good time before the deadline, says Solli.

Lawyer Christian Lundin representing the injured man.

– The boy and his family take the audit report to the intelligence, and notes that it uncovered violations of the Working Environment Act and associated regulations. They assume that Daisy follow up on the resolution, and they are awaiting further investigation from the Labour Inspectorate and other mapping of the cause of the accident, says Lundin told Dagbladet.

Dagbladet has not come into contact with the Labour Inspectorate.


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