Thursday, August 13, 2015

Mullah Krekar prosecuted for incitement to criminal acts –

Prosecutions has requested that Mullah Krekar prosecuted for incitement to criminal acts, newspaper VG reports.

Krekar’s lawyer Brynjar Meling is not surprised by the attorney general’s decision.

– It would have been a deal breaker for police indictment had not arrived. Now we’ll see what evidence will be presented and put up our defenses by these, says Meling told Dagbladet.

Front tomorrow remand believes Meling that there is no basis for continuing to keep Krekar in custody.

The lawyer believes it will be particularly stakeholders to look at the actions of those who should have been threatened by Krekar.

– We’re going to see if they who claims to have been threatened by Krekar has sought debate. This will be another joint meeting between the Norwegian case law and oriental rhetoric, says Brynjar Meling.

The charges against Krekar arrived at based on an NRK interview on 25 February this year.

Krekar was arrested the day after the interview where he said he would send a gift to whoever kills a named Kurd.

He has since been in custody.


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