Friday, July 3, 2015

“These are enormously large quantities of hashish, which has been distributed to the market … – Aftenposten

Cappelen was on Friday remanded for eight more weeks. The ruling was handed down in Asker and Bærum District Court Friday afternoon.

Imprisonment The meeting was the first open hearing in the case against Cappelen (48) and in case that was rolled up by the police in December 2013.

Cappelen should have been behind marijuana sales in around 20 years, and is the mastermind of hashish network shall have introduced 25 tons of hashish. This makes it clear the commitment orders. It is believed that Cappelen has earned around 125 millions euros and that he and his family have lived high on hashish money for many years.

The accused and his family have had a very high private consumption over many years, including at expensive holidays , expensive cars, art and exclusive watches. What values ​​accused now possess is unclear, and is still subject to investigation, according to court.

Cappelen confessed importation and sale of the enormous quantities of drugs and has cooperated with police during the investigation.

He filed for release under remand hearing and appealed the ruling on prolonged custody on the premises.

Police have Gjermund Cappelen said that the importation of hashish was possible because of his alleged collaboration with the policeman Eric Jensen who is under investigation by the Norwegian Bureau for the Investigation of Police Affairs.

Court huge damage potential

Asker and Bærum District Court writes in the ruling that this is enormously large quantities of hashish, which has been distributed to the market through a well organized network. The court also pointed out that the potency of the drug has generally been high.

Analysis of the seized drug shows that the bulk of the seizure had a THC-value of between 18% and 32%, while the average value of the hashish seized in Norway according KRIPOS is approximately 10%. The potential for harm to the vast number of addicts have purchased drugs introduced by the accused has thus been significant, according to the court.

Defender show that Jensen is released

According to the court’s decision says Cappelens defender, Benedict the vibe that Capps should be released, partly because medsiktede Eirik Jensen is released.

– Recurrence Risk and evasion was not applicable as imprisonment basis. But they used a special provision of custody that permit the detention of the offensive to the general public that he be released. It is our opinion that it is not, they say Vibe.

– It is very rare to use the provision, and we do not think the public would have reacted differently if Cappelen is there than that Jensen is out.

The court believes, however, there are key differences, because Cappelen confessed while Eirik Jensen denies culpability.

The trial of Cappelen and seven other persons on the possession and sale of large hashish parties are pre-scheduled in Asker and Bærum District 14 September.

Says importation was possible because of the collaboration with Eric Jensen

For police Gjermund Cappelen said that the importation of hashish was possible because of his alleged collaboration with policeman Eric Jensen, who is under investigation by the Norwegian Bureau for the Investigation of Police Affairs.

It is already decided that Cappelen not receive any punishment meted out when Asker and Bærum District Court dealing with the case in September and October. The penalty will instead be imposed when Cappelen at a later date, and probably not until next year, will stand trial together with Eirik Jensen.

Final phase

Investigation Director Liv Eye Bureau Police Matters told NTB that the investigation of Jensen is not completely finished yet, but is in its final phase.

– What we have said is that it will largely be completed over the summer. When the investigation is completed, the case of the chief of the Bureau, which in turn sends it over to the Director of Public Prosecutions, who will decide the question of prosecuting explains Eye.

Participation charges against the policeman says nothing about how large quantities of drugs that will be introduced .

Published: 03.jul. 2015 11:53


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