Thursday, July 9, 2015

Snow and melting in the mountains west, dry trails east – Aftenposten

– Many mountain areas are now virtually free of snow, and the summer season is well underway in several parts of the mountains, communication manager at the Norwegian Trekking, Mette Øinæs Habberstad. DNT does note, however, that the massive snowmelt leads to increased water levels in several rivers and streams. – Keep this in mind when crossing, and feel free to bring walking sticks as an additional security.

In these mountainous areas have summer tightened its grip

Trollheimen: The popular route triangle in Trollheimen has so far this summer had some tricky places with snow. DNT now report that the sun in Central Norway has made melt job, and that the route thus is ready for hikers.

Rondane: The national park Rondane in Hedmark and Oppland also boasts dry trails . – There is still some snow on the peaks, but snow is not yet hard and nice to go on, says Habberstad DNT.

Jotunheimen East: The season is already well underway east in Jotunheimen. That area DNT cabins Gjendesheim, Memurubu and Gjendebu, which is the starting point for trips over Besseggen and Bukkelægret, among other things.

Huldreheimen: Between Valdres and Gudbrandsdalen is Huldreheimen, now is virtually bare. – This is a mountainous area that is suitable for families with children, with flatter terrain and shorter daily distances between cottages, says Habberstad.

Femundsmarka: Femundsmarka located towards the Swedish border in South Trøndelag and Hedmark. The area is located in the lower terrain, thus coming summer earlier hit. – The catering cottage Svukuriset is very pleasant, and a good base for hiking in Femundsmarka, says Habberstad DNT.

Skarvheimen: There is still some snow in Skarvheimen but for example of Iungsdalshytta there is not much left reminiscent of winter, writes DNT on their websites. – Here they serve ureist food, as self-caught trout and hjemmekjernet butter, says Habberstad.

Here is still a lot of snow and ice

Jotunheimen Vest: At the water Bygdin west Jotunheimen winter has not yet let go entirely. About a week consume several thousand festival guests around Fondsbu by Bygdin, when the popular mountain festival Vinjerock kicks. On their website urge Vinjerock festival guests to bring enough clothes and a tarp to put under the tent, because of wet and cold surfaces.

Ryfylkeheiene: In the upper part of Ryfylkeheiene there is still more snow than usual, but Pulpit is lower in the terrain, where the trail is free of snow.

Hardangervidda: On Hardangervidda, there are still a lot of snow, ice and melt – especially in the western areas. Here it is still possible to get some skiing in the great cause, reports DNT on their own homepages. Tinnhølsvegen and Valldal road, which takes you deeper into the plateau, is opened for those who can not be intimidated by a late summer in the mountains.

Northern Norway: In the mountains north there is more snow than usual for the season, says Habberstad DNT. Those who want to hike be done on it that it is difficult to arrive at some places, but you are ski enthusiast it is still possible to put some swings in the north-facing mountain slopes.

Do you take holidays in Oslo this year? Aftenposten update you on the hot temperatures every day throughout the summer.

Published: 09.jul. 2015 16:37


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