Thursday, July 9, 2015

- He presented the technical evidence police. Now he needs … –

(Dagbladet): 38-year-old charged with murder of twelve-year-old Kristin Juel Johannessen in 1999, today has been in interrogations with police.

– Der presented police the technical evidence, and it did not happen so much more than that, says his lawyer Søren Hellenes Dagbladet.

He was approached by the accused last night, after his arrest, and was then asked to defend him in the case.

The client was convicted of the murder of Kristin in 2001, but was acquitted the following year, when a hair police believed linked him to the murder, appeared to stem from a woman.

The man has constantly denied guilt in the case. He does even now, says lawyer Hellenes to Dagbladet.

– Need to think a little

– Have the police new evidence helped the client has changed his explanation ?

– He explained himself nothing more in this interview. The intention was rather the picking presented the technical evidence police. Now he needs to think about this.

– You say “technical evidence” – it’s more than one?

– No.

– Are we talking about the same hair strand that was used as evidence against him in 2001?

– I do not wish to comment.

– Will cooperate

During a press conference earlier today informed the police that they believe have DNA linking 38-year-old murder of Kristin in 1999. They used new analytical tools, they stated.

These tools want defends Hellenes to know more about.

– This is something I will put myself into and investigate more, he said.

He added that he sees that the client wants to cooperate with the police in the case.

– He participates in the hearing, relates to police and answer questions he gets.

– Hard enough

– Do you think new evidence could help him change the explanation he gave when he was arrested last?

– I have no idea, responding Hellenes, who adds that 38-year-old seems characterized by again being charged in the 16-year-old murder case.

– He lives alone but is the father of two children, and is concerned that family to the extent possible should be screened. It’s hard enough as it is, the lawyer said.

– Indicted itself

Kristin’s father, Roar Juel Johannessen, told Dagbladet today that for many years he has suspected it now – again – the accused 38-year-old to be her daughter’s killer.

– He managed to aim itself into the case. He denied that he had been in the area, and it’s strange because I managed to find the twelve people who can document that he actually was there, says Kristin father told Dagbladet.

Should bathe

It was on Thursday 5 August 1999 that he lost his daughter. Twelve-year-old Kristin was heading toward Goksjø water in Hedrum to bathe with a girlfriend. Big sister Linda drove by Kristin, but she never showed up at her friend.

Kristin was last seen approximately at 18.40.

After several hours of exploration was her bike found. In addition to bag her was the attempted evaded.

The time 23.30 that evening was 12-year-old found murdered in a grove at the deserted Reppesgård road on Dark in Hedrum.

The body was found about 20 meters from where the bike was found. The autopsy report showed that the girl died of suffocation.


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