Wednesday, July 22, 2015

AUF leader asks people to challenge netthaterne – NRK

Four have passed since the terrorist Anders Behring Breivik killed 77 people in the government quarter and the AUF summer camp on Utøya.

Behind the cruel actions lay a massive hatred of Labor, as terrorist believes has failed ethnic Norwegians through allow Muslim immigration to Norway.

– We see that attitudes are very much alive. In comment fields and in blog posts, we see attitudes Terrorist shared, said Mani Hussaini when he visited the NRK P2 Wednesday morning.

Will confront Breivik minded

When Breivik was sentenced to 21 years in detention, also let the court emphasized that the terrorist’s views are shared by others.

Facebook group “Fatherland importantly,” a closed group with 2,800 members, is a recent example of such attitudes spread on the internet.

Some of the group members expressing hatred against Muslims, encourages others to acquire weapons, and shelves Breivik’s actions:

AUF leader understands that people reluctant to go throw himself into the debate when such extremist views appearing on Internet forums and comment fields. Yet he has a clear invitation:

– We will not let a single conspiracy, a mistaken theory or prejudice walk freely, and just think, ‘Well, those guys there are crazy. ” Our role in democracy is to take the discussions, take the debates and involve us, says Hussaini.

– A dark day

Although he is not as active in online debates themselves, he urges all to spend a few minutes each day to challenge extreme and hateful stances in comment fields and in social media.

– There is often talk about people who feel alone and oppressed by the rest of society. Giving these people a chance to be confronted, I think I’m going to call off many conspiracy theories and prejudices, says Hussaini.

Memorial ceremony: Leader of support group the government quarter, John Hestnes, get some comforting words of AUF Mani Hussaini during the commemoration outside the government quarter.

Photo: Marit Kolberg / NRK

27-year-old took over chairing the AUF by Eskil Pedersen last fall. Although youth party still is characterized by grief and loss, stressing that the terrorist Hussaini not succeeded in crushing the AUF and the values ​​they stand for.

– We experienced a tremendous support and endorsement. We got many new members. Today AUF stronger than ever. We have political impact, and our values ​​and ideals alive and well, says Hussaini.

Wednesday will Hussaini participate in commemorations to honor those who were killed four years ago.

– July 22, is a dark day in our history, one day we meet each other and talk about the pain, grief and the loss, he said.

CONCERNED: – We see that extremism is growing in new in Europe, not here in Norway Terrorist alone as their attitudes, said Hussaini when he spoke during the commemoration.

CONCERNED: – We see that extremism is growing again in Europe, not here in Norway Terrorist alone as their attitudes, said Hussaini da He spoke during the commemoration.


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