Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Tommy Sharif arrested – Aftenposten

LATEST: Right now, police in Sharif’s accountant to make seizures. Sharif was arrested outside his brother’s Dekksenter on Alnabru in Oslo this morning.

It says Bjorn-Ivar Thune, head of økoetterforskerne at Romerike Police to Aftenposten.

In Lower Romerike District Court Monday continued liquidation of Sharif’s companies, which was declared bankrupt last month, according to Dagens Næringsliv.

– Police are at Sharif’s accountant now and is in dialogue to preserve evidence, said Thune. Sharif is accused of having violated the Penal Code §283. He allegedly transferred money from the company to an account that stands on his ege underage son.

– We have not yet decided whether we will be stile accused for detention. The penalty for the offense he is charged with is six years in prison, said Thune.

The tone throughout is that in several of the companies shipped missing accounts, it was illegal loans in the millions, and the companies were operated for creditor bill, writes online newspaper.

trustee Christian Lundin had problems in accessing the last annual accounts.

Should have moved money

A data server that contains the accounts should be removed, and the same should apply camera surveillance equipment and multiple drives.

Only Sharif has access to the room where this was kept, said Lundin in court.

Sharif was on Monday ordered to obtain and server computers within next Monday, which he said he will arrange.

According to a ruling by the District Court stated that Sharif should have transferred well NOK 2.9 million from a number of companies their to himself in 2013 and in 2014, money that was not reported to the IRS, according to Dagens Næringsliv.

The transfers are of such a size that according to the ruling must be regarded as gross tax fraud and punishable by law.

Tax east and treasurer in Skedsmo require NOK 1.3 million in taxes by Sharif after transfers.

Økokrim froze in late April this year this amount on account of Sharif’s son.

Should have put the money to his son

According award shall Sharif have transferred 1.460. 000 of his own to his son’s account in mid-April, and then was undertaken over 20 transfers and larger withdrawals on his son’s account.

Lundin says this is money that belongs to the companies, and he points out that Sharif have agreed that money neither is his or her son.

Sharif would not comment on the court ruling on the seizure of the account.

Have been close to several bankruptcies

The former tire billionaire has managed to keep more of their companies from going bankrupt in recent years. In January this year, including the company Sharif Truckwash filed for bankruptcy of treasurer in Skedsmo.

The estate is still under bankruptcy proceedings.

Sharif decided in 2012 to put down the tire center at Romerike for to concentrate fully on selling tires and wheels online. Tire store was forced sold earlier this year.


Published: 16.jun. 2015 5:55


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