Thursday, June 18, 2015

- Party whip can not be used for FRP, and it irritates Minister –

(Dagbladet): In today’s print edition yesterday Labor leader Jonas Gahr Støre frontal attack on FRP and says they must take responsibility for the government power they have gained, or stay out. He says FRP can not be both inside and outside government.

FRP deputy Per Sandberg answer is that “it’s time to get power back to Parliament.”

– Of course one can be inside and outside the government, it’s here Støre booms correctly. But he is not alone. The media is fueling the same vision. There have evolved into an almost “all power in government and directorate”, and it should southerly Ap and “whip” take responsibility for. But this responsibility is all too heavy for Støre writes Sandberg in an e-mail to Dagbladet.

– Parliament’s upper

When the ruling party Right and Erna Solberg came in 8000 quota refugees, black FRP to demand a referendum. The proposal was terrible blows down by the other parties. Siv Jensen has said that she can not promise to follow up the decision by 8000 quota refugees in government.

In today’s Dagbladet yesterday Labor leader Støre out and claim that FRP striving for a “fripass” to do one thing in government and another thing in Parliament. Finance-Siv was earlier this year not willing to violate human rights to get Mullah Krekar out of the country, but she reserved the right to say anything else as party leader. Three of the Progress Party’s ministers will be responsible for conducting Syria Agreement, as FRP oppose.

– I should perhaps have been surprised, but is actually not. Norway’s biggest party capabilities not relate to separation of powers. Minister dangers right to delete with nonsense, writes Sandberg told Dagbladet.

– How defender FRP this division between government and parliament?

– “All power in this chamber.” This is not about something “fripass”, it’s about taking ombudsman role seriously. Man is not, and should not be paralyzed by the Parliament, even if one party in government. The rule applies obviously in Ap, where party whip lives well. But it can not be used for FRP and it irritates Støre writes Sandberg told Dagbladet.

– Lamb under Ap

Minister raises in today’s newspaper that Norway is not served by a FRP who oppose the policy ministers their responsibility to implement, and that it weakens government. Labor went for 10,000 refugees at the Congress, but the agreement in Parliament ended up in 8000.

– There is no doubt that FRP not wanted this. But the alternative to the Conservatives went ahead in the negotiations had been that we would have had to accept 10,000 over two years, or go by that government. I mean it would be a completely wrong strategy. We negotiated for a more proper implementation of the majority in Parliament wanted, Prime Minister Erna Solberg told NTB after agreement 8,000 refugees to the bank.

Sandberg says Syria refugees is not in the governmental declaration or agreements they have with Left and Christian Democratic Party in government.

– For eight years, Parliament was almost paralyzed under Labor. They overturned the parliament to an administration office. Our parliamentary group will produce politics in Parliament, but be loyal to the government declaration and agreements with Left and Christian Democrats, writes Sandberg told Dagbladet.

It was steep fronts during the negotiations, then it really was a majority in Parliament to push through 10,000 refugees in two years, although the Conservatives and the Progress Party were opposed. FRP and SV withdrew gradually from the negotiations, before Right agreed with the rest of 8000 over three years.

Minister says FRP is not the first party who has experienced that sitting in government involves “implement policies that are not exactly as the party had wanted in the first place.”

– It strengthens Parliament’s power. If Støre believes it weakens the government, then he has a problem, not the Progress Party, answers Sandberg:

– The thing about Syria refugees was a matter the Parliament negotiated and will be presented in Parliament. This matter had not grounding in government. And, funny: Minister and Labor “bragging” the wearing just that. That Labor took the initiative in Parliament, not with the government. And then there is of course entirely logical and entirely appropriate for separation of powers that the FRP’s parliamentary group also submits its proposals on the matter in Parliament, writes Sandberg told Dagbladet.

Read Støre attack FRP here.


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