Friday, June 19, 2015

Mullah Krekar told the interpreter keep close under remand hearing – Aftenposten

Mullah Krekar has sat confined since 26 February. He was arrested outside his residence after he had given an interview to NRK, where he claimed the indictment called for a criminal offense.

In the interview he says among other things that the terrorists in Paris that massacred almost the entire editorial staff of Charlie Hebdo, 12 people are heroes. He also says that people in Norway who had to find the drawing caricature of the Prophet Muhammad, deserve to die.

Will hold him to trial

– We wish that Krekar should be kept in custody until his trial begins, and roller runner is that it is the repetition danger. The case can not be scheduling until there is prosecution, said Police Inspector Elaine Roda the Oslo police.

Public Prosecutions has ordered more investigation of the case before it would be appropriate to bring an indictment, and has set a deadline of next month. The only thing that remained was according Roda to clarify a few issues relating to the experts to be appointed to the trial in court.

You mean there is no danger that Krekar will say anything punishable

Krekar arrived Oslo District Court at 09.30 am, and could photograph. At last remand he agreed to incarceration, he does no longer have.

– Are you starting to get tired of sitting inside?

– Talk my lawyer, he is much better at talking than me, smiled Krekar.

Lawyer Brynjar Meling believes there is a risk that Krekar will make criminal statements about his release. He referred to previous cases where people have used extreme methods to burn the Quran to voice their opinions, knowing how it affects other people, that Krekar.

– They know well what Krekar must respond when he asked about this, says Meling. He believes Krekar will give themselves muzzled until the trial begins.

He thinks it is unlikely that the case comes to trial until at least September or October this year. Krekar has been in custody since February. Meling believes there is a clear risk of atonement.

– Krekar received a very severe judgment in 2012 for the same offense. The sentence was so severe because the statements came to live on. The statements he is charged with now, in what he was convicted of it, he said.

Just wanted to answer the judge

When Krekar was asked if he would explain himself, he replied that he had respect for the court and only one would answer the judge. He refused to answer questions from the prosecutor or from his own defender.

– If you do not answer questions from your defender either, the judge asked.

Krekar said he has replied Questions for 13 years without there having been something out of it. He believes it is a political trial. When Meling through interpreter asked if Krekar was willing to impose itself “media break” and not give interviews if he is released, failed Krekar responding. Afterwards he said he did not want to hear the interpreter’s who translated prosecutor posts, but let the interpreter translate everything else.

Lawyer Brynjar Meling says Krekar perceives itself increasingly as a political prisoner, and that it is reason why he acts like he does.

The prosecutor believes there is repetition danger

– Krekar has repeatedly made threats through interviews. We therefore believe that it is clear that there is repetition danger. When he is in prison, says Roda.

Krekar was in 2012 sentenced to two years and ten months in prison for other conditions, including for threatening Erna Solberg and made death threats against three Kurds. He is also sentenced to one year in prison for having made threats against former Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik, this was intimidation he put forward today while the criminal case lasted for threats against Erna Solberg.

Krekar is formally expelled from Norway, but officials are prevented from sending him out because there is a risk that he will be sentenced to death in his home country.

The court will pronounce the verdict later today .

Published: 19.jun. 2015 11:01


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