Monday, June 15, 2015

It can become fewer subjects in the school of the future – TV 2

The Committee was appointed by the government in 2013 to find some answers to the school teaches students what they need in the future. This involves both subjects content and how subjects are constructed. The Committee is chaired by Professor Sten Ludvigsen.

Which skills, values ​​and attitudes the school must equip students with? Does today’s school the right subjects and subjects relevant content? These are some of the questions the committee has worked on.

Can change Norwegian school as we know it

This is the list of competence areas:

1. Subject-specific competencies

  • Mathematics, science and technology
  • Language
  • Social Studies and etikkfag
  • Practical and estetske subjects

2. Being able to learn

  • metacognition and self-regulated learning

3. Being able to communicate, interact and participate

  • Read and skrivekompetase and oral skills – interaction
  • Participation and democratic skills.

4. Being able to explore and create

  • Creativity and innovation
  • Critical thinking and problem solving

The committee believes that students in the future should have fewer subjects, but learn in each subject. They must learn to learn, communicate, collaborate, participate, explore and create, it says.

The committee believes inter alia that the school should be four areas of expertise. (See fact box)

– Is this a new reform?

– No, this is a development of the Knowledge, says Torbjørn Røe-Isaksen (H) to TV 2. He points also that this is something we need because the world changes.

– We need to prepare students for what awaits them, said the Minister.

INTERACTION ON SCHEDULE: The school of the future, pupils will learn more about interaction, communication and participation in society, says Ludvigsen Committee. Photo: Frank May / NTB scanpix

The recommendations range comes with is based on a number of studies, as well as an evaluation of the Knowledge.

Community changing

Also Commission chairman Ludvigsen pointing to the rapid change in society.

– The Norwegian society looks different than 30 years ago, and have evolved in very many areas. He mentions that students today need to learn more about democracy and climate challenges we face.

– This past year we also had armed police. It shows that much going on in the community, said Ludvigsen.

Interaction own practice area

It is ten years since the school’s content has been renewed. The Commission envisages a more comprehensive fagfornyelsesprosess than what one did with the Knowledge.

POSITIVE: Ragnhild Lied, leader of the Union of Education brag Ludvigsen Committee work. Photo: TV2

– Before saying that we needed more knowledge, today we have too much information. Thus, students need to learn methods to understand what they should learn, says Ludvigsen.

He said that the committee has been concerned school social mission of educating formed citizens and educate students who can participate in the community, participate in society and the workplace.

One of the four main points of the new competency goals Trades specifically about students’ abilities to interact. The committee writes that students “must develop skills in communicating, interact and participate,” something Ludvigsen mean becoming increasingly important in society in the coming years.

In addition, the committee that p raktisk- arts will be strengthened, so that pupils’ creative skills must be developed to a greater extent.

Boasts proposal

Ragnhild Lied in Education Association told TV 2 that she seems the committee has done a thorough and good job.

– workmanship are naturally in the center. But they also emphasize that students should gain the ability to collaborate, communicate and develop creativity, said Lied. She also think it is good that the committee emphasizes that students should use the know-how to develop themselves.

– I think they in a good way raises the wider society mission school. Today there is much focus on evaluation and results. It is not forward-looking enough. Here sample a wider kompetansesyn, and I think that’s good, said Lied.

– Extensive and complex

Trine Gustafson is development manager at Jordal school in Oslo. She finds it very much good in the proposals, but is skeptical about whether this is just an adjustment of the Knowledge.

– Personally, I think it is very much interesting proposals from Ludvigsen Committee. I ask, however, questioned whether the intentions of the Commission’s recommendations can be implemented by a curriculum alignment. To me this far more extensive and complex, says she to TV 2

COMPREHENSIVE CHANGES: Trine Gustafson is development manager at Jordal school in Oslo.

She notes that Ludvigsen- Commission’s proposals will require an entirely different thinking. The teachers will have to collaborate and work in a completely different way than they do today, and this will force more interdisciplinarity.

– D a will really question whether we should patch up what we have and assume that much of the stunning located in the Committee’s being washed away on the road, or whether we should dare to say that the school needs a comprehensive reform and basically for reform is here.

The report is now being sent out for consultation, with a deadline on 15 October.


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