Friday, June 19, 2015

Hagesæter becomes secretary – Nordhordland

Rosjorde’s Secretary of State for Justice and Emergency Minister Anders Anundsen (FRP) had a special responsibility for contingency planning in the ministry. He denies that the resignation has nothing to do with the critical report by the OAG submitted a few weeks back.

– I asked the minister about avløsing spring, prior to the Auditor General’s report says Rosjorde said.

He justifies resignation with consideration for their family, and points out that he soon fills 74.

Do not hit

The report by the OAG presented on 21 May points out serious weaknesses in the Justice and Public Security Ministry’s work on the country’s readiness. Leadership, management and coordination are among the criticized.

– I feel absolutely not hit by criticism in the report. OAG has focused on a part of the overall preparedness efforts. I feel that it is delivered very much, both of the previous government and the current government, says Rosjorde.

He believes readiness is better than it was when the terror occurred on 22 July 2011. That it should have been major cooperation problems between the contingency and the police department in the Ministry of Justice, is something he is unfamiliar with.

– I have not noticed anything. All are committed to delivering the best in their fields, he said.

– Well compared to SMK

Dagbladet wrote earlier this month that the internal communication of readiness within the Government have not functioned as expected. Sources in the civil service said that the dialogue between Rosjorde and secretary Laila Bokhari at the Prime Minister’s Office should not have been satisfactory.

– I do not know me again in this picture. The communication that has been required, has been straightforward and neat, he said.

Rosjorde was Member of Parliament for the Progressive Party from 1989 to 2001. He then became county governor in Oslo and Akershus until 2011. After two years as a pensioner turned He returned to politics as secretary of state in 2013.

– Now I go back to work in retirement. I have a wife and five grandchildren that I look forward to spending more time with, he said.

– Hagesæter into

New Undersecretary under Justice Minister Anders Anundsen are Fremskrittspartiet current fiscal spokesperson and parliamentary deputy Gjermund Hagesæter.

Hagesæter together with group leader Harald Tom Nesvik been the key link between Progress people in Parliament and in government. His departure could trigger Committee replacing the parliamentary group. Nothing is settled yet, but Ulf Leirstein expected as Second Vice Chairman of the group being promoted as the new parliamentary deputy.

Laila Marie Reiertsen that Progress first deputy of Oslo, will attend Hagesæters place in Parliament. Hagesæter will not even comment on the matter NTB.


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