Monday, May 18, 2015

Two penguin chicks found dead in the nest: – This strengthens the credibility of my … –

(Dagbladet): Lawyer Reidar Andresen, representing three of the four Russian youths who are charged with having taken away penguins. He believes that the message that came strengthens the credibility of his clients.

– This strengthens the credibility of my clients, who have claimed all along that they have not taken away chickens or eggs, says Andresen told Dagbladet.

Lawyer Axel Lange, representing the fourth of the accused, a 18 year old man, believe that the aquarium also has contributed fried to additional workload on the client:

– This confirms that my client and the the second accused constantly said – that they have not brought any penguins, says Lange told Dagbladet.

– Atlanterhavsparken went very harsh in this case – and then it turns out that the penguins thus remaining inside the corral. It seems to me that this matter could have been avoided in a simple manner quickly, says Lange.

Hidden in nests

The police announced in a statement this afternoon that two of the three Missing penguin chicks were found dead in two of nest boxes to penguins in Atlanterhavsparken.

After re-examination of nest boxes where penguins inhabit, it was discovered two dead penguin chicks. They were not easy to spot, as they apparently were trampled in twig and another located in nests, said police inspector Yngve Skovly in Sunnmøre Police said in a statement.

– Fort them being trampled

Skovly told Dagbladet that they may have been trampled when it was panic among the penguins.

– If it gets panic, it’s fast that they become trampled by parents, says Skovly.

– What will this mean for the four who is charged in the case?

– We need to look at what this will mean for the charges. This is still too fresh for that we have concluded.

– There is still a penguin who is not accounted for, and an egg that has disappeared, clarifies Skovly.

The discovery of employees

Tor Erik Standal, general manager of Atlanterhavsparken, confirming that there were employees who did penguins.

– We have found two dead penguin chicks inside the plant. The circumstances we do not know, told Dagbladet.

He said that the penguins were found during a thorough review of the plant.

The four to five-week-old penguin chicks of breed Humboldt Penguin disappeared the night of Thursday 14th May.

Russen was blamed

Russen quickly got the blame, and there was surveillance pictures showed that Russians were inside at the penguins that particular night.

– This is a very ugly thing. Unfortunately it seems that it is the Russians who have been here. They had party in the parking lot and our surveillance photos show that seven people have been inside. These carry something, and there are enough eggs and chicks. This we see in the pictures and they are easily recognizable with reflective pattern on Russian costumes, said managing director of the park, Tor Erik Standalhan, Sunnmørsposten.

All the four who were charged with admitted that they had been built with penguins, but they all denied having taken penguin kids and not able to say anything about their whereabouts.


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