Sunday, May 17, 2015

Police Directorate will have armed reserve force in all police – NRK

Police Directorate will reorganize the current police reserve, and supplying spare crew dei twelve new police district. It appears at the a document NRK has gained access to.

Police backlog currently consists of 731 conscripts crew without regular police training, but who can be called in the same way as the Home Guard. The force has rarely been used in actual missions.

Many will enclose the police reserve

In late March, losing Labor peaks Hadia Tajik and anniken huitfeldt out against the justice minister to demanded total Police backlog closed.

– Dei is no real resource. It is time to lay down dei, said Tajik NRK.

There are several who have advised the closure of the police force. A selection came in 2013 with a report in which they stated that it is “unacceptable that police reserves may Arming” and that “the equipment is partly old and poor.”

State Secretary Vidar Brein-Karlsen (FRP) in Justice – and Public Security told NRK in March that police reserves shall consist, among other things because the bidreg to strengthen overall preparedness in the country.

– Should have the same equipment as ordinary policemen

Police Directorate has nyleg send a written six pages long letter to the Minister of Justice where they’re coming with its recommendations.

management believes among other things that the crew in law enforcement backlog minimum should be equipped with the same equipment as ordinary police tenestemenn. It will sei same uniform, weapons and protective gear such as Scots vest and helmet.

The Directorate believes the best option is to organize Police backlog under fourth single police in the new structure that also probably will be decided by Parliament before sommaren:

“The benefits of such an arrangement would be that the individual police at management over time will get far closer to this resource. The permanent crew will also through joint trainings get a closer relationship with law enforcement backlog, “reads the document NRK has gained access to.

It also says that” especially in acute situations, but also in planned actions, the local knowledge an advantage. “

Today Police backlog added during disengagement Police (UP) and are organized in Nordaustlandet.

Want better training

Top executives in police meiner Police backlog should get better training and have hyppigare training:

DECIDE : Justice Minister Anders Anundsen (FRP) has received a recommendation from the Police Directorate, but has not decided how police reserve should be organized.

Photo: Larsen, Håkon Mosvold / NTB scanpix

“There seems little doubt that the particular frequency of training must be different than it is in today’s situation it,” says the document.

“If Police backlog in the future will be a real reinforcement of resources, it is important that the unit gets a grunnoppløring and maintenance training that enables it to be there,” it says further.

Being far dyrare

Police backlog today EiT budget of 3.5 million annually. If the proposal for the Police Directorate is going through, the costs increase significantly. New equipment for the crew will also probably cost several millions dollars, but the agency has not been able to give EiT calculation on this:

“The budgetary consequences of a continuation of Police backlog has not been possible to get rained out at this time . The expenditure will inevitably increase significantly compared to the current 3.5 million., “Says the letter.

It is unclear when the Ministry of Justice determines the future of law enforcement backlog.

VIDEO: Kjetil Stormark, editor of counterterrorism this page Hate Speech International, said last July that police reserve is a danger to himself and others. Police Director considered taking strength in use during the terrorist threat sommaren, 2014.

VIDEO: Kjetil Stormark, editor of counterterrorism this page Hate Speech International, said last July that police reserve is a danger to himself and others. Police Director considered taking strength in use during the terrorist threat sommaren, 2014.


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