Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Per Sandberg hit out at critics: – They do not know anything about what they are talking about – Dagbladet.no

(Dagbladet): Under FRP congress last day Sunday Asked ruling party deputy Per Sandberg in a marine T-shirt anchor, waves and the inscription “Good Journey” and “Sea Adventure”.

This happens for a number of refugee inget rage values ​​in the Mediterranean in recent weeks, and while FRP said no to accept 10,000 Syrian refugees. Sandberg T-shirt got several, including rhetoric professor Kjell Lars Berge, to react.

– There are certain no lower limit. This is the little violently, when there are people dying at sea, said the professor at the University of Oslo Dagbladet yesterday.

– I have no idea what they are talking about

It succeeds not Dagbladet getting a comment from Sandberg yesterday but faced Dagens Næringsliv swore he that it was a random T-shirt that was foremost in the wardrobe.

Last night however went FRP vice chairman out on Facebook, and lashed out at criticism.

“Professors and rhetoric experts consider a T-shirt can topple the government. So it goes when experts “use your wits.” They do not know anything about what they are talking about, create their own illusions about what other way flows. I have three identical T-jersey (sic!), Purchased in Florida for 18 months ago, and the white was in the suitcase. “Writes Sandberg that he was dressed in exactly this T-shirt.

During previous AGMs Sandberg has used both shirts and t-shirts, although most pictures show him in a shirt.

Rhetoric expert Kjell Terje Ringdal said to Dagbladet yesterday that he believes neither the Progress Party leader Siv Jensen or the second vice chairman, Ketil Solvik-Olsen, was particularly satisfied with Sandberg’s t-shirt choices yesterday.

– I think that the two were a bit distraught over to sit with Sandberg there, said Ringdal.

Sandberg himself writes, however, that no one responded to the T-shirt.

“No, absolutely no comment on T-shirt on the congress, not felt Siv nor other senior executives discomfort rather, hundreds of people, delegates, journalists. Tens of interviews, several posts from the pulpit, absolutely no comment from anyone. “

– Disgusting and petty

Rhetoric Professor Berge confirmed yesterday that Sandberg cultivates a” reckless “style, but that he must expect others express themselves about him as well. Berge said Sandberg should “use your wits he has been dealt. It makes 99 percent of the other members of parliament “and Ringdal said:

– I get the feeling that it’s misanthropy in the message on the t-shirt so many perceive it.

Sandberg also directed harsh criticism toward those who have criticized him:

“Not until some leftist publishing director and occasional Sweden had used search engine and magnifying glass could create a nasty , petty link to the tragedy in the Mediterranean. A thought that was never in my thoughts. “Writes Per Sanderg.


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