Wednesday, May 13, 2015

- The “Norwegian” students received twice as much for the working week – Moss Avis

– I was kjempeskuffet, I had never expected this of them, says El-Helou to Moss Avis.

He was told what had happened by a friend, who was among the students who received “double salary”.

– The person said that the ethnic Norwegian had been collected after we all had our gift cards. There they dealt an additional gift card, with instructions not to tell this to us, says Awni.

– When I was pissed and took it up with the person who handed out the gift cards. Then I just laughed. So then I gave back my gift card, says 14-year-old.

  • Read XXLs corresponding bottom of the article

READ ALSO: XXL contacted headmaster at Awnis school

Won much support

Awni goes in 9.klasse at City tower school. He explains that there were a total of nine students who were working on XXL. Five ethnic Norwegian and four non-ethnic Norwegian.

– And that was just the ethnic Norwegian who received extra money?

– Yes, no the rest of us got something extra, confirms Awni who have Palestinian parents, but who themselves are born in Norway.

The incident allegedly took place on Friday 8 May and since then has gone Awni around with a painful sense of racism. Yesterday, he chose to share their feelings with their Facebook friends.

– I have received very much support, he said.

Many of those commenting Awnis facebook post was with the working week, confirming the incident, even when Moss Avis contact afterwards.

READ ALSO 800 applied for a job at XXL Moss

Expecting excuse

In the Facebook post their writing Awni include:

“The whole working week I have been working well and focused on what I was told to do, so people should not get a bad impression of me. What I and all my non-ethnic Norwegian friends got to work we performed, was a racist act … .. I am not writing this here because of money but because of that I think you are entitled to and know about what happened and do something about it. I thought that we were sent out on work week to prepare for working with different people and to prepare for working life, but apparently it is not easy for anyone to not distinguish between people on the basis of their identity. I really hope that you are doing something about what happened, because I do not think we learn about racism law school for nothing. “

– I expect an apology from XXL, and what is certain is that I will never buy anything there, he says to Moss Avis.

XXL: “Not Racism”

Moss Avis their attempts to get elaborated case , however, was long in vain, but in the afternoon took the Operations Manager connector.

Operations Manager Anders Fjeld in XXL denies that prizes nobody has anything to do with racism.

– This has only with effort to do, he insists.

– But reflecting you what kind of signal effect this would give when the distribution was as it were?

– It was made clear to the students in advance that if any of the made an extra effort would be rewarded for this. Then it would become unfair for those who actually deserved the extra Recognitions denying them this in retrospect, because it could be perceived racist, he says to Moss Avis.

– Has XXL thought well enough through on such a reward system is suitable for a group of 14 year olds?

– It has worked well for nine years, says operations manager.

On its own Facebook page denies sports chain that case is about racism.

“First and foremost, we feel in no ways again the descriptions in this post, and we are afraid that restoration is based on a misunderstanding ( …) When a work is intended as an insight into working life, it happens that we give an added distinction to those who provide especially good. (…) This is also something that was clearly communicated to all students, “writes” Leif, XXL “on XXLs facebook pages.


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