Saturday, May 16, 2015

Have given up finding penguins alive – Aftenposten

– We have given up finding them alive now. They can not do without her mother anymore, says Britt Giske Andersen who works in Atlanterhavsparken in Ålesund Aftenposten.

Earlier today went Chairman of Atlanterhavsparken in Ålesund out and asked the person or persons who stole the three penguin kids night Thursday, to confess the theft. Meanwhile promised a group of Telemark a bounty of 10,000 dollars.

– We were very sad when we heard about what happened in Ålesund. We had a quick meeting and agreed that we give 10,000 dollars to the person or persons who receive solved the crime. The money we take out of pocket, said Kjell Viggo Vestby in trimgruppa pudding in Porsgrunn NRK.

-Synd them

Chairman Ove Paulsen at Atlanterhavsparken seems not only sorry for the stolen penguins He also seems sorry for thieves.

– In addition, we think very sorry for those who have done this here, they have done something stupid. If they confess, the Atlanterhavsparken help them become mildest possible treated, said Paulsen to Sunnmørsposten Saturday. He says it is not applicable to claims for financial compensation for that special theft on Thursday.

Seven were within

On Friday, four people, two men and two women, charged with theft . None of them have admitted guilt. On a surveillance video police announced Friday shows how seven people within the fences in the park, but the recording is not detailed enough that it is possible to see who it is that is built with the penguins.

In questioning the has been recognized that the ceiling on penguin cages were opened, something Atlanterhavsparken also confirms, newspaper Dagbladet reports.

– Easier to confess

Paulsen adds that there must also be the best for the person or persons is behind the theft, to confess what they have done.

– Those who have done it have to know that there are others who know, the uncertainty inherent in it. It can become a heavy burden, and it would surely be easier for those who have made it to confess, said Paulsen.

Published: May 16th. 2015 5:39 p.m.


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