Thursday, May 21, 2015

Four preset SAS aircraft so far – but 120 in Sweden –

(Dagbladet): The pilots of SAS in the night continued mediation by the national mediator and after the deadline expired at midnight was a new deadline set at eight.

At 7:30 o’clock, four of 15 SAS flights from Heathrow to Aranda at Stockholm set – 08.35, 09.20, 12.50 and 15.20.

Also 09.25-departure from Heathrow to Riga is set.

There are currently no canceled flights from Trondheim, Bergen and Stavanger.

Press Contact Knut Morten Johansen SAS told Dagbladet that there is currently no flights canceled as a result of striking pilots.

– It was just forhåndskanselert few flights to make larger predictability for our passengers, says press officer Knut Morten Johansen SAS .

In addition, Norwegian passengers traveling to Sweden and Norwegian passengers who will be traveling to other parts of the world could be affected. Some of these go out of Stockholm and others go from Copenhagen with Swedish pilots.


In Sweden, the mediation between the Swedish pilots and SAS gained new deadline of 08 o’clock today, with yesterday and today in all 120 SAS flights from Sweden set of fears that aircraft and crew will be at the wrong place if it gets big strike in Sweden, according to Dagens Nyheter.

It is clear that the situation in Sweden will eventually affect SAS customers going to or from Sweden.

After the Dagbladet getting lit was very early Thursday morning break in the negotiations for the Norwegian pilots.

– We got a suggestion ultimately at 3:00. It was their suggestion or nothing, says Rune Sundland, leader of Norwegian SAS pilots’ Association (NSF) to Dagbladet.

– They have put us in a situation where we stood tariff resolve if we did not accept their offer and it is unacceptable, says Sundland Dagbladet.

There are Norwegian Cockpit Association leading the mediation of Norwegian SAS pilots’ Association (NSF). Respondent represented by Federation of Norwegian Aviation.


parties negotiating to put in place a new collective agreement for pilots at NSF.

After the break in negotiations, six Norwegian pilots go on strike Thursday morning.

– I’m very disappointed, not least over the procedure of the company where it is threatened with a worse deal. It is a procedure that does not belong in such negotiations, says Sundland Dagbladet.

– What happens next?

– Now we are in conflict. We’ll keep this between us and the company, and that means we take a limited number of members on strike. This will hardly frame air traffic in Norway the next day, says Sundland.


Initially taken six pilots at SAS ‘long grid on strike as of May 21, with gradual escalation through Pentecost weekend.

At worst, all 312 pilots involved in a strike, said Sundland Dagbladet.

– If we do not get a solution, we must increase the pressure. When we run the risk that a significant amount involved in a strike and maybe all our pilots. It is perhaps too early to say anything about now, but also affected Sweden may ultimately 700 to 800 pilots involved in a strike, says Sundland.

SAS must simplify

Information Officer Knut Morten Johansen SAS said that the conflict with the pilots in his company is quite different background for pilot strike in English earlier this år.- But there is one common trait: both company needs for simplification and flexibility in labor agreements. Mediation with pilots at SAS has not been about salary or pension. However, SAS survive with Norwegian working conditions, it is necessary to have a greater flexibility in contracts, says Johansen told TV 2 News Channel.


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