Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Farmers rage against miserable Deals – Hamar Dagblad

Farmers organizations put forward demands for a framework for agricultural settlement of 950 million. Agriculture and Food Sylvi Listhaug (FRP) offers only 90 million.

When peasant organizations claim was lodged on 24 April said French, who sits on the board of Hedmark Bondelag, that he expected that the state would be forthcoming faced peasant organizations’ requirements.

Must Pay

– It must be profitable for individual farmers conducting soil. That’s what this is about. There can not be such that it is more profitable alternative work, if we are to exploit the soil and increase food production, he said.

He was not heard.

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Now breeds farmers’ organizations against the state offers. French is depressed and disappointed.

– I am surprised that the government again chooses confrontation line. If we are to increase food production, as Parliament has requested, must answer for the individual farmer to use their time in the field and in the barn. The presented offer from the state does not build up under it, he said.

The leader of Hedmark Bondelag Erling Aas-Eng is equally disappointed:

Impossible to take wave

– It is impossible to take the wave for this offer. It is puny stuff compared to what we must have, says Aas-Eng.

The requirements are of 24,000 dollars on average for each farmer, while offering only involves 6,000 kroner. It’s pretty amazing, he says.

– Other groups have the a zero settlement. Why should you have that much?

– The farmers have FTEs remuneration is 200,000 kroner below average. This gap must be closed if it will be possible to be a farmer in the future, says Aas-Eng.

Good deal, according to the state

The state for its part believes the presented offer is good .

– Moderation characterize this year’s wage settlements. Revenue growth in agriculture has been clearly stronger than for other groups in 2014 and 2015, says the state’s chief negotiator, Secretary Leif Forsell.

Merete Furuberg, leader of Norwegian Farmers and Smallholders Union, is critical to the offer from the state, and she thinks the negotiations are very difficult.

See also: The farmers unsure whether they will negotiate with the state

Both Norges Bondelag and Norwegian Farmers and Smallholders Union Now go through the provision of state and consider whether there are grounds for negotiation. Last year broke negotiations known together, which was hotly actions from farmers side, with a huge mobilization in front of the Parliament.

Many parties in Parliament, among them government cooperation party Left, is critical to the state’s offer. Party leader Trygve Magnus Slagsvold Vedum call offer incomprehensible.


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