Monday, March 16, 2015

Need 1000 billion to refurbish Norwegian national roads – Technical Magazine

To achieve the road standard we should have is a need for 1,000 billion until 2050. The new figures from the NPRA.

Big gap

On Monday, NPRA, Rail, NCA and Avinor forward their perspective and backbones reports.

The studies describing the needs and opportunities for development in the various transport sectors over the next 30 years, and will be used as the basis for forthcoming National Transport Plan (NTP).

– There is a huge gap between the current standard and the road we should have in the long term, says acting veidirektør Lars Aksnes.

As with colleagues have conducted a highway investigation and seen the need for the Norwegian national roads up to 2050.

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Big savings

The required investment agency has considered itself until, they believe will provide significant gains for road.

– The community will be able to save 450 billion in transport costs on a road with a good standard, says Aksnes.

He points out that the proposals agency puts forward, leads to huge time savings along several of the largest national roads.

The savings are greatest where ferry connections replaced by bridge or tunnel.

The national highway in 2050

Highway network is currently 10,433 km long. In like within a few years it will have 785 km of four-lane road with 300 km two- and trefeltsvei with median barriers.

2050 looks agency that there has been a large expansion of both two- three and four-lane road, adding up to a staggering 1990 km with four fields of administration, as well as 1440 km of two- and trefeltsvei.

In addition to this, 4250 km of highway network will be accessible for pedestrians and cyclists against today 2150 km, and 550 km of network will be set aside for collective fields, from today 90 kilometers is today bus lanes.

Administration goes so far as to say that the entire maintenance backlog should be removed and all avalanche-prone stretches of high and medium risk being hedged.

Large Investment by towns

While veietterslepet be removed and national roads developed, also looks Rail a large investment needs.

The analysis from ATET shows that the Norwegian railway network has an investment requirement of 500 billion in the same period.

– It is absolutely necessary to double development in the four largest urban areas. By constructing a double in and around Oslo, Stavanger, Bergen and Trondheim, we can take three times as many people to and from work, says Elisabeth Enger.

Doubled passengers

Also Avinor see a huge investment needs in the coming years, referring to an assumed doubling of the number of passengers to 2050.

– This means that we must prioritize measures to increase capacity, and thus anticipate a need for investment of between 60 and 70 billion towards 2029, says CEO Dag Falck-Petersen.

A large proportion of this is tied to measures to increase capacity at the biggest airports. At the other airports cast to investments in renovation when needed.

The NCA has unlike the other agencies not presented any figures on investment needs.

– We’re not talking about the development of infrastructure on a par with the other agencies. How big investment needs we get to 2050 depends largely on technology development that happens to come, says coastal director Kirsti Slotsvik.

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