Thursday, March 26, 2015

Conservatives and Christian Democrats grows on remeasurement – Future in North

The fall of Labor is only 0.9 percentage points since February poll and the party now gets support of 42.5 percent. The gap to the right is therefore still huge. The ruling party gets 23.6 percent of the poll after going up 2.2 percentage points since last month.

Christian Democrats increase support by 1.2 percentage points to 6.6 percent. Left falling 0.7 percentage points to 3.7 percent. Progress goes back 0.2 percentage points to 9.1 percent.

On the red side falls Socialist Left Party 1.1 percent to 3.3 percent and Red proceed 0.3 percentage points to 1.2 percent. The Green Party gets 3.1 percent in the poll, a decrease of 0.5 percentage points, and the Center Proceed 0.5 percentage points to 6.3 percent.

the measurement error margin is between 0.7 and 3 , 6 percent.

In a hypothetical case where partimÃ¥lingens result would have been the election results, could the Conservatives and the Progress Party together have received 61 mandates. Right, FRP, Left Party and the Christian Democratic Party would have gained 75 seats in total. To obtain a majority in parliament needed 85 seats. (© NTB)


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