Tuesday, March 17, 2015

100 evacuated after fire leirskole: – Only walls that remain – NRK

There are no reports of serious injuries, but eleven people sent to hospital with minor smoke damage. Police got the message about the fire just after the clock 23.

97 students and three teachers are evacuated to Tyinkrysset mountain lodge, which is nearby. All were visiting from Paul Petersen Idrætsintitut in Denmark. Most students should be in their 20s. All persons are accounted for.

– We eventually got the message that it was full flashover of the buildings, said operations Trond shield Vestoppland Police NRK.

-Some have gotten smaller smoke damage, but we have not had reports something serious, said shield.

Stake Director Bård Sorum Haugen police tells about the fire. Interviews are Hallgrim Roe.

Bet Director Bård Sorum Haugen police tells about the fire. Interviews are Hallgrim Roe.

– Just some walls that remain

The fire department has managed to prevent the fire from spreading to buildings nearby. According NRK reporter on site, Hallgrim Roe, most of leirskole building totally burned.

– There are only a few walls standing again, he said.

Fire reason is not yet known.

– There are set Crisis Staff in Vang municipality and the air ambulance is on the way, says operations Trond shield.

(case continues under the picture)

– A violently ill feeling

Hallgeir Opdal are daily manager and owner at Tyinkrysset mountain lodge and hotel, took the evacuees pupils and teachers just before midnight.

There are about 500-600 meters from the camp school and away to the hotel where they sought refuge.

– A violently ill feeling, says Opdal who experienced the same three years ago – when burned Tyinkrysset mountain lodge, where Opdal grew up.

Had jump out of windows

The students and teachers are now Guests and residing in public areas in the lodge, since all the rooms were occupied. Opdal do not think the Danes are going to get to sleep much after what they have experienced.

– They have lost everything they had with them, he says.

After that NRK had experienced some students jump out of windows on school camp during the evacuation.

At ettiden was part of the camp school is built of wood already pretty burned out while the fire met more resistance in the two portions of masonry.

The travel companion is evacuated to Tyinkrysset mountain lodge.

03.17.2015, at. 00.10

03.17.2015, at. 05.23


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