Sunday, February 15, 2015

- We are prepared an attack against Norwegian Jews – Aftenposten

- We are prepared an attack against Norwegian Jews – Aftenposten

– It is important not to crisis maximize, but we can not be naive. Jews are an expressed goal, therefore we can not be surprised if something similar to what happened in Copenhagen happening in Oslo. There are many ways to prepare for, and we are prepared, says Ervin Kohn, head of the Jewish community.

He and and the rest of Norway in 1300 Jews are in mourning after the terrorist attacks in Copenhagen.

– When the attack against Krudttønnen happened Saturday morning, sent Danish police immediately two officials to the synagogue in Copenhagen. That they were there together with the Jewish doorman Dan Uzan when terri stone attacked the same night, prevented probably a greater tragedy. Danish police showed quite clearly that they understand that Jews are a følgemål for a terrorist act, says Kohn.

– An attack on freedom of speech

Uzan was shot and killed by terrorists as he kept watch outside the synagogue where 80 people were gathered to the confirmation party.

Last month attack terrorists editorial venue for satire magazine Charlie Hebdo, then attack a Jewish kosher business in Paris the following day.

– As in Paris, the attacks in Copenhagen an attack on democracy and freedom of speech. That democracy is able to protect its minorities is a basic pillar.

Oslo police takes action

Early Sunday put the Oslo police in extra security as a result of Sunday’s unrest in Denmark. PST threat assessment for Norway has not changed.

Operations Find Belle told NTB that police have been in dialogue with their Danish counterparts since Saturday afternoon

– We have introduced additional security measures, both generally and considering specific events, says Belle

Belle can not comment further what measures involves, beyond that they initially extends over the weekend.

PST: The local police are responsible

Press Spokesperson of the Police Security Service, Siv Alsen. says PST makes general threat assessments, but also by events. This applies especially those meetings where people who have personal protection act.

She will not go into detail on the assessments PST perform because these are classified, but says that one also considering other types of events. It may be, for example where there are foreign guests.

– But it is the local police who are responsible for the safety of the individual events, and those who have the task of contact with the organizers, she said.

In Sweden, the areas around synagogues, mosques and several other buildings in Sweden tightened security after the deadly attacks in Copenhagen.

It says Interior Minister Anders Ygeman news agency TT. He believes, however, that the attacks in Denmark involves an immediate increased risk of terrorist attacks in Sweden.

– Are you confident that Norwegian police are able to protect Norwegian Jews and synagogue, Kohn?

– We have good contact with the police, and are confident that they will fit us. Beyond that I can not say anything about what safeguards concrete has started now, after Copenhagen terror.

The activities are proceeding as planned

Kohn is very concerned that everyday should take its course for the Jews.

– It does today, and it will happen tomorrow. The Jewish life in Oslo to be maintained, all activities shall take its course.

– Are you not afraid?

– It is in this case a horror Jews share with many others, who are threatened. Subscribers and journalists, for eksempel.Men we are a small church and very vulnerable. We can not tolerate that many Jews are killed before the church no longer excised.

– Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu says that all Jews should come home to Israel.Hva you think about it?

– There I react negatively. Israel is naturally a “safe heaven” for all Jews of the world, but it would have been much wiser that he in this situation urged European leaders to increasingly incorporate and maintain its Jewish population.

– Last autumn demonstrated you against Lars Vilks and believed he was a provkatør. Saturday he was a target for terroristen.Hva you think about it now?

– I think that we all have to stand together in the fight against terror, says Ervin Kohn.

Published: 15.feb. 2015 2:36 p.m.


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