Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Islam Net mean measures against radicalization is misguided – Sunnmørsposten

Islam Net mean measures against radicalization is misguided – Sunnmørsposten

– There are several steps that need to. The problem is that the government focuses quite wrong. Government focuses on measures that it believes will work, not on actions we Muslims believe will help, says Quereshi Aftenposten.

He admits that radicalization of Muslims and a growing number of Norwegian foreign fighters is a problem. According Quereshi starts radicalization of Muslim youth exposed to propaganda and that they believe that this understanding of Islam is the correct one.

He believes the main cause of radicalization is Norwegian and Western foreign policy – the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan and the Guantanamo prison camp in Cuba.

When the Police Security Service Wednesday presented its annual open assessment of the threat level, stated PST chief Benedicte Bjørnland again that there are extreme Islamists who represents the most serious threat to Norway. She believes development is worrisome. (© NTB)


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