Thursday, February 5, 2015

Got Sps turnaround right – Aftenposten

Got Sps turnaround right – Aftenposten

Prime Minister Erna Solberg (H) even took the word, stated that there was no longer a majority for a national begging ban and held that they then could pull hearing the case, informs a source told Aftenposten.

Not in government platform

Although both the Conservatives and the Progress Party has application points about begging ban, this is not part of the government platform, and we therefore need not proceed with this matter, concluded Government Senate. Around 14.30 came the Öffentl confirmation from the Ministry of Justice that the Government withdraw the case.

Eating lunch together

Government meet every Thursday at the Prime Minister’s office for lunch. Then, holding the Intergovernmental Conference. It starts with preparatory minister before the real minister, held at the Palace Fridays clock 11. All important matters for the government discussed at these Thursday meetings, which will ensure that government members stand behind the decisions.

Decided there and da

The news that the Center draws its support for begging ban came a little before one o’clock Thursday and government collegium decided ie where and when to put the matter off. Senterpariet has for its part two congress decision to ban begging, but party leader Trygve Slagsvold Vedum nevertheless say that it is not the least was the mobilization of grassroots own party that led the parliamentary group put your foot down against begging ban now.

– This case would have come up again at the congress, and we are confident that it had been a no. Then it is more orderly to say no now, instead of the debate should go half months to. The mood in the party has been a clear no, he says in a television interview with Aftenposten Harald Stanghelle.

Here you can see and hear Sp leader explain why they turned:

Q leader: – To punish those who help beggars is completely wrong

Trygve Slagsvold Vedum explains why The Center has turned on the question of begging ban.

Right: Trekker Sp proposal

Right sent for his part in a press release yesterday entitled “Trekker SP proposal nationally begging ban. “

– The proposal now withdrawn, was a direct consequence of the Center insisted on getting a national begging ban in the agreement we made in June, says Conservative member of the justice committee, Peter Christian Frølich.

Local bans

The Government Sundvolden platform states that the Government will “open the municipalities may impose a ban on begging in local police regulations to

combat human trafficking and other organized crime. “

Many politicians in other parties expressed Thursday joy that the Centre turned and that the government pulls proposal for a national ban.

Hagen: Disappointed, disappointed, disappointed

Earlier Progress Party leader Carl I. Hagen, now group leader in Oslo city council, is not among those who are glad developments matter took.

– I am disappointed that the Centre now turns and breaks the agreement with the government on this matter. I am disappointed statements of Christian Democratic Party spokesman that it is brave of the Center to break the deal – it might say something about how KrF watching agreements. And I am disappointed that the Government has now withdrawn its consultation proposals. The government should completed its consultation process and gotten inside their submissions. Then they should possibly put forward a proposal in a bill to Parliament.

– Should they do it even though they knew it would not be a majority for a national begging ban?

– Minority Governments never any guarantee of getting their proposals approved. It is in Parliament, the Government meets the other parties, and that should they have done in this case.

– So you’re disappointed that the Justice Ministry canceling the hearing?

– Very disappointed. And one such case I expect is processed at the highest level in Government, says Hagen.

Read also:

Published: 05.feb. 2015 7:57 p.m.


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