Friday, February 27, 2015

Claims of four weeks custody Krekar – Aftenposten

Claims of four weeks custody Krekar – Aftenposten

Police Inspector Vegard Rødås let down alleging four weeks custody for Mullah Krekar in Oslo District Court Friday. Krekar not acknowledge guilt by accusation.

Krekar was at 15.30 o’clock taken back to jail. It is stated that the court will make a ruling during the afternoon.

– It is a shame that you have into prison again. It is a shame for Norway. It’s 51. I’m in court, said Krekar.

The prosecutor argued danger of recurrence risk. Roda shows that Krekar has repeatedly repeated threats against various parties, and that he sought at least three television stations to promote their views.

Disputed statements NRK

The controversial mullah was produced for remand in ward 828 in Oslo courthouse at 14:00 today. The hearing is open to the public and the press, declared the judge when the remand hearing started.

Krekar said he was willing to answer questions from a judge, prosecutor and defense counsel.

The reason for the charge is statements in an interview with NRK.

– Those who make the Muhammad caricatures, must die. They trample on our dignity, our principles and beliefs, he said among other things.

Displayed terrorist danger

The prosecutor believes the statements in the interview must be seen in context of overall terrorist danger.

– PST says it is 90 percent chance of terrorist attacks on Norwegian soil in 2015, said Roda and believes Krekar solicitations are helping to underpin this threat.

Roda showed the terror in Copenhagen.

– As young people come not on such actions on their own. They did not arrive so extreme interpretations that they go to such steps. This is because they are influenced and brainwashed by people Krekar, said the prosecutor.

Says he is misunderstood

Krekar came into the courtroom a few minutes after his lawyer Mehling. He did not want to answer if he regretted having set up to NRK interviewed before the court was set. Nor afterwards.

Asked by judge regarding NRK interviewed says Krekar that the statements in the interview must have been misunderstood. Moreover asks judge concrete Part of the indictment that goes on threats to freelance Gorman. Krekar said he did not realize that Gorman may have been intimidated by the statements.

– I am innocent of this, said Krekar questions from the judge after police inspector Vegard Rødås had read up points in the indictment

Claims question is cut

Krekar is accused of inciting criminal acts and to have come with threats in the interview with NRK earlier this week.

In court he When asked why he showed up in the interview.

– You must answer questions one is asked, even if the question is new. But the answer is that given earlier. There is nothing new in the answer, and I may well repeat it 20 times. But it’s not something I want to repeat, said Krekar.

He argues that NRK has deliberately cut issues.

– This interview lasted over two hours. They promised me to publish 15 minutes first on the internet, and then two hours on the internet. Had they published the interview we had not needed to discuss here and now, said Krekar.

Got questions about IS

Police Inspector Vegard Rødås wanted to know why Krekar spoke in Arabic in the interview with NRK .

– Arab words are shorter and more meaningful. Six sentences in Arabic quickly becomes ten sentences in Norwegian, said Krekar.

– It was not because you wanted to reach out to another larger group? That you would reach out to Arab part of the world?

– It felt more appropriate to speak in Arabic. Partly because of the content and themes of the interview, said Krekar.

Furthermore asked Roda about Krekar had contact with ICE?

– No, replied Krekar.

– There are Kurdish articles stating that IS has contacted you. Votes not this? Roda would know.

– Neither I nor ISIL have made contact with each other. It is impossible to have control on what is written in all media, said Krekar.

Arrested Thursday night

Krekar was arrested by police outside his residence Thursday night. Background are statements he made in an NRK interview Wednesday.

Earlier Friday morning it was announced that police have expanded indictment to include threats. Krekar is previously charged with inciting criminal acts.

– The charges are expanded. We believe he has made threats affected by Penal Code section 227, said police inspector Vegard Rødås the Oslo police told Aftenposten Friday morning.

Published: 27.feb. 2015 1:47 p.m.


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