Monday, January 5, 2015

Meteorologdirekør: – It’s a little scary – Aftenposten

Meteorologdirekør: – It's a little scary – Aftenposten

2014 writes into history as one of the warmest ever. Now do Meteorological Institute up a final status over væråret we have put behind us. And the director of Meteoroligisk Institute Anton Eliassen used the word “scary” several times during his presentation, including whether ekstremværene “Noreen”, “Kyrre” and “Lena”. Scary is also when the cold winter is absent, with the consequence that there are large forest and heath fire hazard.

-2014 was one of the warmest ever globally, also in Norway. In Oslo the temperature was 2.6 degrees above normal period and there is a record, says Eliassen.

He noted that it is not uncommon with warm winters, although 2014 was extreme.

– The variety has been very large. In Oslo it was hot before and during World War II. So it was cold in the period around 1960, since that time the temperature has increased steadily, says the director.

He also pointed out that rainfall set new records last year.

– Land Precipitation has increased by twenty percent since 1980. What we are seeing is that the rainfall comes in shorter and more aggressive portions. Oslo set a new rainfall record when it fell 44.5 mm of precipitation on a clock hour in sommer.Timesnedbøren the early 1980s, 10 mm, said Elisassen.

The fires lit up in the night

The fires on Freya not yet under control.

Record Hot

Already in December could National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration conclude that 2014 is likely to be a record warm year worldwide. The temperature the first eleven months of the year was 0.68 degrees higher than normal, including five months of record temperatures.

Video Flam: Several houses hanging in the air

In Flåmsdalen are several houses taken by the waters, and along the waterway shortly before more people get the same fate.

– We know that in 2014 had the warmest weather that has been registered since 1900, but it worldwide was one of the warmest, says Goa.

Estimates based on observations, reanalysis and forecasts in the world Meteorological Organization, WMO, showed in December is that the average temperature for January-December would end 0.3 ˚C over the former Europe -record 2007.

Nineteen European countries including Norway will very likely record 2014 as the warmest year since records began. Information from NASA show that in November 2014 was the 9th warmest recorded since measurements began in 1880.

– Now we also got to December figures, so now we will present the total picture, says Goa .

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Published: 05.jan. 2015 1:39 p.m.


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