Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Man fell from block – Telemarksavisa

Man fell from block – Telemarksavisa

It was Tuesday night that the police received a report from the AMK center that a man had fallen from a low rise in Odinsgate in Skien.

The man, according to police operations center have dropped six feet down.


He is taken to hospital for treatment, but the damage is not yet known.

– He was conscious when he was taken to the hospital, but we can not yet say how extensive damage he has received, said operations Gisle Småge Telemark police.


The sequence of events is unknown, but police says that it should be about an accident.

– We are interviewing several witnesses on the spot. Preliminary information provided by witnesses indicate that this was an accident, but we do not know the pretext for the event, says Småge.

Police have undertaken the necessary investigations on the spot and case is created.

The case is updated.


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