Saturday, December 20, 2014

Think Anundsen will survive asylum children case – Aftenposten

Think Anundsen will survive asylum children case – Aftenposten

– I want to believe that there will be a hearing on the matter. So will mostly continue as before, says Law Professor Eivind Smith said.

The Minister of Justice had Friday admit that he has not read a copy of the letter from the Police Directorate that would ensure that new policy guidelines when it comes to long remaining asylum children, were followed up down in police ranks. He first became aware of the mistake through media coverage of the case.

Standing Committee on Scrutiny and Constitutional Affairs, as Friday had an extraordinary meeting on the matter, has announced that it will follow up with another meeting in early January.

Impossible to predict

Neither Professor of Social Research and election researcher Bernt Aardal think the case will have any consequences for ANUNDSEN position as Attorney General.

– But how harmful matter will be for the government is impossible to predict in advance. It depends on how much they choose to chase the matter. If all the media chooses to keep up pressure for a long time, the easiest solution for the government be taking out Anundsen says aardal said.

– But it takes a lot for, he adds.

Forsure cooperation

But the case can help to acidify the bourgeois cooperation further, says social scientists.

– Asylum Children is an important symbolic support parties, and this may have an impact for cooperation, believes aardal.

Especially Liberal deputy Control Committee, Abid Raja, has gone hard against Anundsen.

– This is embarrassing of Anundsen. Minister of Justice has pushed responsibility down in the system by showing that police director missed the signals. It characterized Anundsen as poor management. Now it turns out that he has not read the letter. What does it say about the minister’s leadership, said Raja NTB Friday.

– Raja shoot from the hip, but it is equally interesting what the Liberal Party and the Christian Democratic Party thinks in the long run. It is not certain that it is in their interest to squeeze the lemon too hard, says aardal.

Tak on FRP

– Now they’ve got a little grip on the government when it comes to refugee policy . FRP must be more careful about what they go out next time, he points out.

Eivind Smith believes the issue is more symbolic politics than realpolitik.

– For the Christian Democrats and the liberals are the present case very important. But it is not unusual that a minister does not read all the letters coming in, he points out. (© NTB)

Published: 20.des. 2014 2:23 p.m.


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