Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Read Nobel laureate Kailash Satyarthis speech here – Aftenposten

Read Nobel laureate Kailash Satyarthis speech here – Aftenposten

Let’s globalize compassionate public and put our children free

My dear children of the world …

Their Majesties , Your Royal Highnesses, Excellencies, Honourable Members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, my dear brother Tom Harkin, my brothers and sisters and my dear daughter Malala.

From this podium for peace and humanity, it is a great honor for me to recite a mantra from the ancient wisdom writings, the Vedas.

This mantra contains a prayer, an expectation and determination that has otensiale in themselves to liberate humanity from all man-made crises.

“Sam gacchadhwam sam sam vadadhwam vo manansi Jaanataam”

“Devaa bhaagam yathaa poorva, sam jaanaanaam upaasate”

Let our minds meet!

Let go together. In our quest for global progress, we must not omit or exclude a single person in a single corner, be it east or west, south or north.

Let’s talk, let our minds meet! Let us learn our ancestral experiences, let us together create knowledge for everyone of all.

I bow in gratitude for my deceased parents, my fatherland India and for Mother Earth.

With warm heart I remember how I have been set free thousands of times, every time I’ve put a child free from slavery. Every time their first smile of freedom spreads over their beautiful faces, I see God’s smile.

The biggest credit for this award I dedicate Kaalu Kumar, Dhoom Das and Adarsh ​​Kishore from India and Iqbal Masih from Pakistan. As members of my movement, they sacrificed their lives to protect children’s freedom and dignity. I take with great reverence accept this award on behalf of all these martyrs, my fellow activists around the world and my countrymen.

My journey here from Lord Buddha, Guru Nanak and Mahatma Gandhi’s great land; from India to Norway, creating a connection between two power centers of global peace and fraternity, both in ancient and modern times.

I stand here to represent the sound of silence

My friends, The Nobel Committee has generously asked me to keep a “lecture”, something I, with all due respect, is not able to do.

I stand here to represent the sound of silence, harmlessness cries and The invisible face. I have come here to convey our children’s voices and dreams; our children, because they are all our children.

I have looked into their rescue and weary eyes. And I’ve listened to their pressing questions: 2

Twenty years ago, at the foot of the Himalayas, I met a thin little boy. He asked: “Is the world so poor that it can not give me a toy and a book instead of forcing me to take a tool or a weapon?”

I met a Sudanese child soldier who was kidnapped by an extremist militia. The first thing he was forced to do during the training was to kill their friends and family. He asked: “What did I do wrong?”

“Can my child get to experience it to have a dream?”

Twelve years ago, I met a very young mother who lived on streets in Colombia and who had experienced trafficking, rape and slavery. She asked me the following question: “I have not had a single dream in my entire life. Can my child get to experience it to have a dream? “

No outrage is worse than denying our children to have dreams.

My only goal in life is that every child should be allowed to:

To be a child,

to grow and evolve,

to eat, sleep, see daylight,

laugh and cry,


to learn, go to school, and above all,


All major religions say that we must take care of our children. Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these.” The Holy Qur’an says: “Do not kill your children because of poverty.”

One week military spending worldwide is enough to give all our children schooling

I refuse to accept that there is no space for our children’s dreams in all temples, mosques, churches and chapels.

I refuses to accept that the world is so poor, when only one week military spending worldwide is enough to give all our children schooling.

I refuse to accept that all our laws and constitutions, judges and policemen are unable to protect our children.

I refuse to accept that slavery links could ever be stronger than the desire for freedom.


I am so lucky that I’m allowed to work together with many brave souls who also refuses to accept this. We have never given up and will never give up because of threats and attacks. It is without doubt made progress over the past couple decades. Number of children not attending school has been halved. Child mortality and malnutrition are reduced and millions of 3

child deaths are prevented. Number of child laborers in the world has been reduced by a third. But be aware that there are still significant challenges remain.

We have failed miserably when it comes to giving our children the education

My friends, today is intolerance is the biggest crisis that banks of humanity dies.

We have failed miserably when it comes to giving our children education. An education that gives life purpose and meaning and ensures future. An education that builds a sense of global citizenship among young people. I fear that we will soon come to mean that the cumulative result of this debacle will culminate in a violence unequaled which could lead to humanity kills itself.

Yet there are young people who Malala who around the world offer resistance and choose peace over violence, tolerance over extremism, and against over fear.

The solution lies not only in negotiations and conferences and orders from distant organizations. The solution lies in small groups and local organizations and individuals who are often completely unknown to the world community, but who knows the problems of the body here every day.

For eighteen years ago marched several millions of my brothers and sisters in 103 countries 80.000 km. At that time, a new international law against child labor emerged. We did it.

You might think: What can one person do? Let me tell you a story that I remember from my childhood: It had broken out a fierce wildfire. All the animals fled, also the lion, king of the forest. Suddenly the lion a tiny little bird flew straight toward the fire. He asked, “What are you doing?” To the lion big surprise, black bird, “I am on the way to extinguish the fire.” Leo laughed and said: “How can you put out the fire with just a drop of water in its beak?” . The bird stood steeply at its, and said: “But I am providing my mite.”

You and I live in an era of rapid globalization. We are connected via high-speed internet. We exchange goods and services in a global market. Every day it goes thousands of aircraft that connects us with all corners of the world.

ALSO READ: Person arrested during the Nobel ceremony

Who are these children stitching soccer balls but who have never played football?

But there is one serious deficiency in these compounds. It is the lack of compassion. Let instill and transform the individual compassionate public to a global movement. Let globalize compassionate public. Not a passive humanity, but humanity that changes the world and leads to justice, equality and freedom.

Mahatma Gandhi said, “If we are to teach real peace on earth … we must begin with the children. “I would respectfully add that we must bring the world together through having compassion for our children.

Who are these children stitching soccer balls, but who have never played football? They are our children. Who are these children who work in mines to extract rocks and minerals? They are our children. Who are these kids who harvest cocoa, but who do not know how chocolate tastes? They are all our children. 4

Devli was born into several generations and debt slavery in India. When she sat in my car right after she was rescued, asked this eight year old girl myself: Why did not you come before? Her angry questions shook me still – and have enough force to shake the world. Her question is directed to us all. Why did we not before? What are we waiting for? How many more Devli we shall refrain rescue? How many more girls being abducted, confined and abused? Around the world there are children who Devli asking themselves why we do nothing and which follows closely on our actions.

We need collective action and urgency. Every minute counts, every child counts, every childhood matters.

I contesting the passivity and pessimism that surrounds our children. I dispute this culture that is based on confidentiality and neutrality.

We must keep our promises

I therefore request urgently all governments, intergovernmental organizations, industry, leaders of all faiths, civil society and each of us to put a stop to all forms of violence against children. Slavery, human trafficking, child marriage, child labor, sexual abuse and illiteracy has no place in a civilized society.

My friends, this we can do.

Governments must develop a child-friendly policies and invest in education and young people.

Businesses need to be more responsible and more open to innovative partnerships.

Intergovernmental organizations must collaborate to accelerate more action.

international civil society must rise above the daily tral work and their scattered agendas.

Leaders and institutions of different faiths, and all we must stand together for our children.

We must be bold, we must be ambitious and we must have willpower. We must keep our promises.

I want you to see and feel this BIRTHDAY TODAY within you

For over fifty years ago, on my first day of school, I met a shoeshine boy my age sitting at the gateway to school and refurbished shoes. I posed these questions to my teachers, “Why does he there? Why is not he at school with me? “Teachers could not answer. One day the man I got up and asked the question to his father. He said: “Sir, I have never thought of. We are only brought into the world to work. “This made me angry. It makes me still angry. I protested against it then and I object to it now.

When I was a child, I had a vision for tomorrow, where shoeshine boy would sit next to me in class and read. Now this tomorrow become DAY TODAY. I’m DAY TODAY, you’re DAY TODAY. BIRTHDAY TODAY is a day where all children have the right to life, liberty, health, education, security, dignity, equality and peace. 5

Today, I see the smiling faces of our children in the twinkling stars behind dark. Today I see children playing and dancing in every wave in the ocean. Today I see the little shoeshine boy who sits with me in the classroom in every plant, every tree and every mountain.

I want you to see and feel this BIRTHDAY TODAY inside. My dear sisters and brothers, I want to ask you to close your eyes and place your hand on your heart a moment. Can you feel the child inside you? Now you listen to this child. I’m sure you can handle!

Today, I see many thousands who march ahead as Mahatma Gandhi, Martin Luther King and Nelson Mandela and who calls on us. Many boys and girls have joined. I’ve been with. Now we want you to also join.

Let march from darkness to light

Let’s democratize knowledge.

Let us create universal justice.

Let us globalize compassionate public for our children’s sake!

My appeal goes to all of you here today and to all others around the world.

I encourage a march from exploitation to education, from poverty to common progress, a march from slavery to freedom, and from violence to peace.

Asato unit, leave sad gamay, tamaso unit, leave jyotir Gamay, mṛtyor unit, leave amṛtaṁ Gamay.

Let’s march from darkness to light. Let march from mortality to divinity.

Let us march!

Published : 10.des. 2014 1:32 p.m.


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