Friday, December 19, 2014

Parents prayer: – Do not leave, you can go to paradise anyway – NRK

Parents prayer: – Do not leave, you can go to paradise anyway – NRK

Friday night told NRK, the Norwegian IS warrior who was recently killed in Syria. North man in his 20s was killed in what should have been a bomb attack in Syria.

Again stands a shocked and grieving family in Fredrikstad. The mother and father of the young man said in an exclusive interview with NRK that they believe son was brainwashed. Now implore parents who are considering becoming alien warriors not to travel to Syria – in hopes to prevent more families are destroyed.

– You will go to the cruel war, do not do it . Think of those you leave. Their families continue their normal lives, they work and go to school. Do not destroy your life, your family life. You can come to paradise by being present – and be good at – their parents, says the mother of the murdered IS warrior NRK.

SEE VIDEO: For the first time tells a Norwegian IS-warrior about why he traveled to Syria to fight alongside the terror organization. The family has recently been informed that his son is dead. They believe his son was brainwashed.

– We have received injuries and pain for life

NRK has gained access to 1:38 minutes long conversation between the murdered stranger warrior one of his friends in Norway. Where tells the man in his 20s about why he wars with the terrorist group the Islamic State (IS). Talks provides a rare insight into the mindset of Norwegian foreign fighters.

– I have come here to get a better place in the next world, for Allah has said that those who die in jihad being martyrs. And martyrs receive the highest place in heaven.

The recordings are done in October and November this year, just before the north man was killed. His parents did for a short time ago told that his son died during a bombing and that he was buried three days later.

– We do not even know where his grave is. It is very sad for us. We came to Norway to get a good future. Now we have got injuries and pain for life. You can not imagine how we have it now, and unfortunately there are several families who have it so, says his father.

SEE VIDEO: In recording explains north man that Muslims have a duty to help brothers and sisters in Syria. He says that he never directly that has executed or killed someone. He uses the term “we”.

– I have made a choice. Not look for me

Parents describes her son as kind and caring.

– He was closely tied to their siblings and spent much of his spare time with them. He had very different plans for the future and talked about how important education was before he left. We could not even imagine that something like this could happen, says the mother.

It was the civil war in Syria that led north husband traveled, say those who know him. Television pictures from the country troubled man deeply. Autumn 2013 he went from Fredrikstad to Syria.

The parents knew nothing until they later received an SMS of her son: “I have made a choice. Not look after me. ” His mother says that they were angry at his son, but failed to show it.

– We were shocked and angry. It was important for us to keep in touch with him as long as possible. We hoped that he would return home eventually. It helped not to be angry, he knew we were there. We did everything we could to convince him and get him home, but his would marry and stay there, her mother says.

– Willing to do anything to stop other

First, the Norwegian man have been associated with al Nusret-front, before he became a part of IS summer 2014. He followed up with what the media wrote about rebel groups in Syria. In October, the Norwegian man charged under terrorism clause. PST mean there was suspicion that he has committed or attempted to commit terrorist or contributed to acts of terrorism.

parents made not suspect that his son changed or about his travel plans to Syria, but said that he put a lot online, so videos from Syria and were influenced by them. After he had gone, they also found out that he had spent time in mosques in Oslo and Larvik.

The mother says that the reason why she allows herself interviewing is that she hopes it can few other boys to think before they destroy their own and family life.

– If I, in one way or another, in any case can stop one kid from traveling, so I’m willing to to do anything for it, she said.

In September this year opened the US to bomb IS targets in Syria. Throughout the fall, Americans and Arab allies bombed IS. The Norwegian foreign warrior says in the recording that US bombs can not win against the ideology IS stands for. A month later was north man himself killed in what should have been a bomb attack. Stock Photo of IS fighters in Syria.

Photo: uncredited / AP


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