Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Evaluation: The police should take control more often – Aftenposten

Evaluation: The police should take control more often – Aftenposten

In July stated Directorate for Civil Protection and Emergency Planning (DSB) that many fire and rescue corps lacks expertise to lead major events. DSB had when evaluated fires in Laerdal, Flatanger and Freya, and fire in Gudvanga Tunnel.

consultancy and auditing firm PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) is now completed its evaluation of large fires, and the conclusion is also here that the fire department is not organized well enough to control the major events. The company proposes that more coordination responsibility in the future will be transferred to the police, newspaper Nationen.

PwC determines that little could have been done that the extent of the fires would have been less. There is also little that could be done to extinguish the fires before.

– The effort was conducted under extremely difficult conditions, and crews showed a commitment beyond what one can expect, says PwC in its report.

40 buildings burned to the ground during the great fire of Laerdal 18.-19. January. Under fire in Flatanger which started on January 27, was 55 homes completely destroyed.

PwC proposes to strengthen regional cooperation between the different agencies and organizations participating in the extraordinary events. PwC believes not only incidents where life and health are threatened, but also complex situations where many are involved, to the extent possible must be guided by the police.

Published: 09.des. 2014 6:06


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