Sunday, December 7, 2014

Eriksson brand Left and KrF –

Eriksson brand Left and KrF –

Especially when it comes temporary employment and activity obligation for social assistance.

Liberal support could Labour and Social Affairs Robert Eriksson (FRP) get through the proposal for a general right to temporary appointments.

KrF basically says no.

And with KrF voices can the duty for social assistance recipients become law and introduced in all municipalities. Left has not been concluded in this question, but because the attitude is skeptical.

– Although we basically disagree, we are prepared to talk and negotiate to achieve a consensus, says Christian Democrat work and social policy spokesman Kjell Ingolf Ropstad said.

Different Approach

Left ends up about a general right to hire people temporarily. KrF has a different approach.

– We will instead that the rules which have been in the state education sector will also apply in the private and municipal sectors, says Ropstad.

In the public sector, the somewhat more liberal Service Act which sets the framework for temporary employment, while municipal and private sector relate to the Working Environment Act.

– Temporary employment can provide vulnerable groups better opportunities in the labor market, but we do not have a blind faith that this is the most important measure to include more people in work, says Ropstad.


Liberal Sveinung Rotevatn agree that the rules should be the same in the state, academia, Government and the private sector.

– But the restrictions in the bill we have to look at, he says to NTB.

He is largely in line with the main organization active, which is critical to the proposal quarantine and a quota of maximum 15 percent in general, temporary positions.

– quota may be too small for small and midsize businesses, he said.

According Rotevatn will several temporary positions cause more people to experience working life.

– Besides the need for staffing agencies be reduced. Along with other measures the minister has put forward, I think we see the outlines of which will work. The goal must be that the number who are outside the labor market goes down, he said.


Left representative is far more skeptical of the proposal to introduce a statutory duty to act for social assistance.

– We have not taken a position on the proposal, but are basically critical of this. It must certainly be the talk of meaningful activities. Putting people to dig a hole in the ground and then fill it up again, has nothing for himself, he said.

Christian Democrat Kjell Ingolf Ropstad are certain conditions positive to the idea of meet social assistance demanding activity. That one may be punished by deductions benefit if you do not ask, he also has a sense of.

– The experience of municipalities that have introduced this shows that this has been an important step, he said.

The bill, which was presented Friday quantifies no concrete lower limit for how little the individual can be left with social assistance.

In other words, the municipalities are virtually free to decide how hard social assistance who violate the terms should be punished.

The Ministry emphasizes that “the benefit will not be reduced to a level unacceptably low.”



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