Sunday, December 7, 2014

Can not afford Christmas gifts for kids – Aftenposten

Can not afford Christmas gifts for kids – Aftenposten

– My son has already begun to dread to January. He knows it comes comments about what they got for Christmas. It hurts mommy heart that I can not give my kids what they want, says mother of two to Bergens Tidende.

In the small but cozy apartment in Åsane smells of cinnamon and cardamom. On the window, the children of five and eleven hung snowflakes they have cut and dyed herself. Along the frame are three goblins mother of two has been a gift and a decorated gingerbread has already lost some jellymen due ravenous children hands. There are good Christmas spirit with the family of three. At the same time one of the year’s most challenging economic months.

– The income for December is low as the rest of the year, but the pressure on the money just this month is huge. When kids tell of friends who go on holiday at Christmas, get new slalom skis, electronics, game consoles and sleds, so I know it protrudes slightly inside me. When they say “everyone else has it,” I have not always a good answer. It is true of course that many others have it, but it’s not something we can prioritize, she said.

– Tough month

Mother of two, who has a three-year college education, halving income when she a few years ago was ill and had to quit his job. She has shared custody of the children’s father and bought a small apartment with two bedrooms in a housing estate in Åsane. She has a tight budget, and counts on every penny. After loan, electricity, municipal taxes and electric vehicle is paid for, the remaining money on food and other basic expenses. She says she’s been good to prioritize and find alternative solutions.

The furniture in the house is inherited or purchased used. The same children’s clothing. She is frequent in the Find and also use groups on Facebook to swap and buy cheap clothes.

– I would not want anyone to feel sorry for us, because we have food on the table every day and has many handsome and close experiences together. Moreover, I believe that the pressure has gone too far, and it makes this month will be extra tough and challenging for many, she says.

She referred among other creatives on TV.

– They advertise electronics to many thousands and make it a truth that it is customary to give children computers and phones for Christmas. It need not be that way. I think many parents compromising themselves, and ultimately goes beyond this the children who end up feeling left out. Then my son bear the brunt, says mother of two.

User 5622 kroner each

On average Norwegians will spend 5622 pounds each on Christmas gifts this year, according Nordea Christmas shopping survey. There are 11 percent increase from last year. In all purses Norwegians over 9000 dollars on Christmas goods and gifts together. When BT asked 300 parents whether they worried that they could not give the kids what they wanted for Christmas, replied one of ten that this was something they worried about. These were some of the comments received:

  • “The children want any playstation, TV, tablet etc. We can not buy such expensive things.”
  • “I am scared children to drop out of the peer group and stand out. I’m afraid they are getting comments that they have received too little. “
  • ” There is great pressure from the child’s friends and the local community about expensive, great gifts “

Ready Wishlist

I Åsane are Wishlist already ready. Son wants toy sword, costumes and a computer. Daughter wants a Elsa dress, a princess dress from the movie “Frost” which costs 400 dollars on the toy store.

– It is particularly badly that I can not give my five the dress. I would love made it myself, but when I asked in a fabric store, the materials were more expensive than buying it new. I’ve also thought about whether I might get some curtains in the same colors. I can not afford to buy gifts this year, but will try to get something made, she said.

She says that her son has become quite concerned marks. Although she is shocked at how big mark pressure there is on the children.

– My son has repeatedly received comments on how his clothing looks. It is painful, she said.

In summer she buy a pack clothes for 400 million online. The package was surprisingly branded clothes for thousands of dollars.

– When I met myself a little in the door. For I am thinking that brand pressure is negative, but then I felt inside me that it was so good to give my boy everyone has, she says.

– Totally sick

She tells that despite the fact that she does not have as much money to spend, they get gifts from other relatives. When are often clothes on our wish list, at the request of her.

– As a mother, you want to be the one that gives kids the finest gift. There is much that I can not be such a mother, she says.

Their son does not get computer, she does not feel guilty about.

– That many youngsters get computers to up around 10,000 for Christmas, I think that is absolutely sick. I think I had a bad feeling inside me if I had given away something so expensive. Then I would rather give away experiences that walks in the woods and time with the kids, she says.


Published: 07.des. 2014 5:08 p.m.


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