Monday, September 8, 2014

Twice as many charges including asylum seekers and undocumented –

Twice as many charges including asylum seekers and undocumented –

One of 50 charges of solved crimes in 2010 comes an applicant or person without legal residence in the country, the report from the Oxford Research, writes Aftenposten.

Together indictments against citizens from typical asylum seeker land, and citizens who are not registered in the National Register, 2.5 percent of all charges.

– This is so small that it has minimal impact on the overall crime situation in Norway, see project report, Dag Ellingsen and researcher Sigmund Book Mohn firm.

2010, the asylum seekers in the country on average 14,600 people. Statistics Norway and UDI have given estimates of how many people illegally who were in the country during the same period, researchers have concluded that the lowest estimate – 18,100 people – are most credible.

This basically gets people in these two groups charged more than three times as often as the people of Norway in general.

The researchers said, however, that if persons which has similar age and gender comparable disappear most of overrepresentasjonene. Among asylum seekers and people without legal residence is far more young men in the general population. Researchers lands thus that there are twice as many charges in these groups as the population at large.

Dag Ellingsen emphasizes that this group is more often the police are investigating and are at greater risk of being arrested more often than others.



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