Sunday, September 7, 2014

Risk of silo collapses in Verdal – Aftenposten

Risk of silo collapses in Verdal – Aftenposten

– We have evacuated the area and it is now cordoned off. We are currently establishing a measuring device so that business can plan how to empty the silo for lime. It contains 5,000 tons of burnt lime, says operations Rune Rein Borg in Nord-Trøndelag Police Adresseavisen.

Have put staff

time 24:50 informs operator Ingri Hanssen in Nord-Trøndelag Police that they have has not been answered in the polls.

– It looks for those who are on the spot that the silo is stable. It is important that the so stable that it can be emptied in such a safe and acceptable manner, so that we avoid a dust cloud if it tips over, says Hanssen.

She says the police have put staff.

– This means that we strengthen the management of the operation, so that we can be safe if the worst happens, says Hanssen.

Chief of Police in Nord-Trøndelag has attracted experts from Norfrakalk, fire departments and Civil Defence. Work is now underway to survey the situation, writes police said in a statement.

Red Cross in Nord-Trøndelag state that they have notified their crews and have 50 people who can be deployed if the police need assistance.


Police said it is evacuated in an area with a radius of 500 meters from the silo in the industrial area Ørin in Verdal.

– Brent lime is corrosive in contact with water. Do you get it in the eyes and respiratory tract is the caustic. That is why we have evacuated so great. The wind will carry dust over the sea, and we have evacuated well enough to avoid people getting dust on them if it tips over, says Rein Borg.

After that experience is the bottom has fallen out of silo. According reporter on-site wind has now turned towards the center of Verdal.

Fears oil tanks

He says that there are oil tanks in the area.

– There are oil tanks nearby. If the silo falls over, it may fall on top of oil tanks, and then we have a more difficult scenario with fire. We are working to be able to stave off any spilled oil, says Rein Borg.

Heard a bang

The police was informed about the silo tilting around 10 am Sunday.

– There was a guard on the area and passers-by who reported that they had heard a bang and saw changes in the silo, says Rein Borg.

There were people in the marina close by when the alarm went off, and these was a concern by the evacuation.

Adresseavisens photographer on site told Sunday morning that there are large forces from the fire department and the police on the spot.

– All the industrial area on Ørin been locked. The lock is now about 500 meters away from the factory, says photographer Leif Arne Holme.

Timber area

He said police and fire departments are working to clear the area. In addition to police and firefighters are also paramedics ready to move in.

– There is very little information to the event for us standing here, said Holme.

The fire department stated that they currently only assists the police in their efforts to evacuate and cordon off the area.

Norfrakalk produces paper pigment used inter alia to bleach paper in magazines, fine paper, packaging and wood-containing paper.

Published: 07.sep. 2,014 10:51


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