Sunday, September 14, 2014

Nav get refs for difficult forms and letters – VG

Nav get refs for difficult forms and letters – VG

Complicated forms and letters makes users unsafe and leads to unnecessarily inquiries to Nav offices, says an expert committee.

– The main problem we find is that Nav communicate in a manner that provides uncertain users. This means that they must contact Nav again, and that the meetings are more tense than necessary, says Sigrun Vågeng Aftenposten.

She heads the expert committee that evaluated Nav. The Committee submits its report to the Minister of Labour Robert Eriksson (FRP) Monday.

Vågeng says satisfaction with Nav has increased slightly in recent years, but we now have to take on that there are still many unhappy users.

– It is almost strange that Nav – to help us if we end up in a difficult situation – score worse than, say, Tax Administration collects money from us. This is something I think you have to take seriously, she said.

If finding information on the internet

Vågeng think the goal must be to reduce the number of visits to Nav offices significant, but the committee has not quantified this. Vågeng says there should be a measure to allow users to find most of the information they need whether on the internet or telephone.

– Nav should go through all the information is on their website and all emitted by letter. Some of the letters sent out from Nav, can be difficult to understand, says manager selection.


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