Sunday, September 7, 2014

Narvesen on Bergkrystallen subway station robbed by two men –

Narvesen on Bergkrystallen subway station robbed by two men –

(Dagbladet): Narvesen kiosk on Bergkrystallen Subway station in Oslo tonight was the victim of a robbery.

The police are now with all available crew after two perpetrators.

– Two masked perpetrators robbed the kiosk at 21.37. They threatened the employees who were at work with knife and taped competent firm, says operations manager of the Oslo police Sven Martin Ege.

The robbers have been joined by money, but how much is not known.

– We have a small description of the perpetrators. They are known if they left the place by car or on foot, he said.

– We need tips from people who live in the area or were at the Narvesen kiosk prior to the robbery. We are particularly interested in getting in touch with people who were at the kiosk in the period 20.30-21.30, said Ege.

The police reached by telephone 02800.

– Police are on site and undertake technical studies. In addition, we talk with victims and safeguard the employees, he said.


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