Saturday, September 13, 2014

Lime-witness got a residence permit –

Lime-witness got a residence permit –

Investigation Director Håvard Yli by Raumarike police confirmed to Aftenposten that it is given a residence permit to one or more related to the disclosure of Lime case.

– I can not be more specific purpose of the investigation, said police inspector.

Police have received help from the UDI in Shannon case where more is accused of gross human trafficking.

– Persons who may have been victims of trafficking may be granted permission to break with the environment and possibly later testify against traffickers, UDI has assisted the police in this action so that they can protect potential victims, says director Karl Erik Sjøholt in UDI.

– Problematic

Attorney John Christian Elden, who defends the alleged mastermind of the case, Lime-founder Sajjad Hussain (37), believes it is problematic for the veracity of a witness’s explanations when a residence permit “in the pot”. His client was all summer to know that a relative had been offered a residence permit, says Elden.

– The relative told police promised him a residence permit if he would explain himself in a way that would be to the disadvantage of my client, says Elden.

After Hussain was detained in mid-August, several employees of Lime-chain has been replaced by others who have their papers in order, according to the daily newspaper. It is not clear whether those who have left have gone out of Norway or gone underground here.

20 people indicted

A further trafficking scope was on Friday remanded. Police also found several people without legal residence in Norway. These were found Thursday night in the apartment of a person who police believe are related to the case.

– Police have worked on these to see if they may have a role as witnesses or victims in the case, informed police inspector Asmund Yli NTB .

In all, 20 people charged in the case.



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