Thursday, September 11, 2014

- Lime employees were denied pay and holidays –

- Lime employees were denied pay and holidays –

Several employees from different countries given the status of victims in the case after being questioned by police, newspaper VG.

– They think we are the victims, the people who worked in the stores and has been exploited for forced labor, says prosecutor Anja Perminow Stenersen.

Police have questioned dozens of people associated with Lime-chain, and the details will appear, reminding according LO the slave drive.

– The first thing that strikes me is that this sounds like slavery, says trade union secretary Trine Tin Lund.

Lawyer Gro Wild Hagen, who represents several victims, tells of few or no days off, illegally long hours for extended periods and no or only partial access to their own income.

Some employees are also deprived of credit card and other identity papers, according to police information.

– Overall I can say that my clients believe that they have been grossly exploited, but they are now out of the situation is well cared for, says counsel Gro Wild Hagen

More salt Lime staff tells VG that several of them lived in the same building as the store they worked at.

Thursday, eleven of the hitherto 20 accused in Lime case remanded for four weeks.



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