Tuesday, September 9, 2014

Laundry strike is over – Aftenposten

Laundry strike is over – Aftenposten

A total of 190 employees in laundries and dry cleaners went on strike last Friday, after its break in mediation between NHO’s Norwegian Industry and Trade Unions -forbundet Industry Energy.

Labour and Social Affairs Robert Eriksson (FRP) announced on Wednesday compulsory arbitration and Industrial Energy confirms that the strikers return to work.

– I got late yesterday evening message from the Board of Health that still strike would create a complex and unpredictable situation for hospitals and nursing homes in Rogaland, Vest-Agder and Nord-Trøndelag. After the Norwegian Board of Health was the risk that it could cause danger to life and health significantly elevated, says Eriksson.

The strike has led to staff at hospitals and nursing homes have not been washed their uniforms and linens that have not been washed .

Small happy

15 companies were taken out in the strike, which mainly affected laundries Stavanger, Bergen and Trondheim who perform cleaning and conditioning for offshore companies and private. But laundries who took assignments for hospitals and other health institutions were therefore covered by the strike withdrawal.

Eriksson is not satisfied with that responsibility for the consequences of the conflict ended with the government saying that it is the parties themselves who initially responsible to find a solution.

– As the situation developed, I mean that I had no choice, says Labour and Social Affairs.

Police Review

Industrial Energy says on its website that the parties were called to Eriksson at 1pm on Wednesday.

Tuesday NRK announced that the federation reviewer employers for what they believe is a violation of Penal Code provision on the duty to prevent danger to life and health.

– That the Minister is obliged to stop laundry strike with compulsory arbitration to avert danger to life and health, stressing the urgency that lay behind my police report, says union leader Leif Sande.

CEO Stein Lier-Hansen of Norwegian Manufacturing termed review junk claiming Industry Energy presents the case incorrectly.

Norwegian industry happy

Lier-Hansen is pleased that the government Now make sure to bring the strike to an end. He believes that the strike was almost doomed to end in compulsory arbitration, according to Norwegian industry.

– The strike led by just a few days to major disruptions for several major hospitals. It says that the union knew what they were doing and understood what the consequences would be, according Lier-Hansen.

Requirements for permanent pay raise

The reason for the break in the negotiations was that the employer organization Norwegian industry would comply with the requirement of a permanent pay raise for employees at the country’s laundry and dry-cleaning businesses, announced IndustriEnergi when the strike was a fact.

Today serves the employees of the laundry and dry cleaning establishments, mainly women, 86 per cent of the average industrial wage, according to the association.

Published: 10.sep. 2,014 3:52


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