Sunday, September 14, 2014

It crawls kid on the edge of the pulpit – Aftenposten

It crawls kid on the edge of the pulpit – Aftenposten

This made a strong impression on Fred Sirevag when he was on the pulpit with her daughter on Saturday, that he might take up his own photographic camera. It was hard to believe that he actually saw.

– I was about to put the Quick Lunch Shock Today, he explains to

– My daughter at 11 and I had decided to enjoy the nice fall day with a hike to Preikestolen. Once there we find a small ledge and take a well deserved break with food and drink. Then this happens …

What happens is according Sirevag that a woman carrying a small baby up to the edge. Three other adults stood watching. One of them, a woman, taking up photography device to capture it all.

– I’ve even had small children and know that they can quickly find the wallow around, maintains Sirevag, which shocked and slightly angered sat and witnessed the session.

– It is sheer madness.

Published: 14.sep. 2,014 3:01 p.m.


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