Monday, September 15, 2014

Forces the Right will terminate constant support in Oslo – Fædrelandsvennen

Forces the Right will terminate constant support in Oslo – Fædrelandsvennen

It is hoped that the scheme being dropped in the capital as early as next year, writes the class struggle.

– Every year thousands of children face up to the first day of school without having sufficient knowledge of Norwegian. Cash benefits encourage those who have most to gain from going to kindergarten, to stay home, said central board member of the Young Conservatives, Mathilde Tybring-Pike, said.

Young Conservatives have now submitted the proposal for the program in Oslo Right.

Conservative Stefan Hegge Lund wants welcomed the idea, but say in national policies must adhere to the promise they have given voters to retain the scheme. He refers to what is in the government platform and in partnership with the Liberal Party and the Christian Democratic Party, but said the case is different in local politics in Oslo.

Tybring-Pike has long wanted to make cash support for a voluntary municipal performance, and shows that seven out of ten cash benefit children in Oslo have immigrant backgrounds. She believes the scheme hinders integration. (© NTB)


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