Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The police found the homemade bomb in a house in Telemark –

The police found the homemade bomb in a house in Telemark –

SILJAN / OSLO (Dagbladet): Police in Telemark has sealed off a house after they found a ready-made bomb in the house Spin Hill in Siljan, Telemark. The police requested assistance from the Oslo police bomb squad, which arrived at the site at 0:30 o’clock in the night.

One time was the bomb defused.

– bomb was defused at 0:59, and we has done session with bomb dog in the house and the surrounding area without finding more bombs or other explosives, said operations manager Vidar Aaltvedt the Telemark police told Dagbladet.

Police have lifted the barriers that were made in the area, and residents can now move back to their homes.

Unclear design

Polititet said that the bomb was found in connection with an arrest in a criminal case. A cohabiting arrested. The two, who are well known to the police earlier, should not have been cooperative when police wanted to interrogate them at night. – We have not made any formal questioning. They have not been cooperative, and there will be no questioning until tomorrow, says Aaltvedt.

Police started immediately with the evacuation of residents within a radius of about 100 meters from the site when the bomb was found. In 0:20 o’clock police said that this radius was increased to 200 meters.

Aaltvedt states that it is unclear what to do with the bomb, or whether it is made of the arrested person.

NRK says operational manager that bomb is homemade.

– It may look like TNT explosives with mounted fuse, says Aaltvedt.

Should apprehended in criminal

Aaltvedt says to Dagbladet that the police would arrest the man Telemark Vestfold police.

– I can confirm that we have asked Telemark police for assistance in connection with criminal proceedings, said operations manager Jan Kristian Jonsrudhytta at Vestfold Police Dagbladet.

Operations will not say about the criminal case in question, but says it has nothing to do with the discovery.

Both of those arrested are acquaintances of the police.

Telemark police said that there were seizures of drugs in the house.

PST warned

A neighbor told Dagbladet that there is huge police presence.

– I hope this is not as dramatic as it sounds. But it happends here. Now comes a fire engine, said neighbor Dagbladet just after noon. 23

neighbors to the house are now alerted and evacuated from the site, according to police pressure log. Neighbors evacuated to Midtbygda school, a few kilometers away.

Police Security Service (PST) is routinely notified, said operations manager Aaltvedt Dagbladet.

Spin the hill a housing estate with around 100 households . It’s mostly one-and two-family homes in the area.

Dagbladet following case


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