Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Car in water at Tvedestrand – Aftenposten

Car in water at Tvedestrand – Aftenposten

– The fire department has received the car from the water. An unconscious person is taken out of the car. We work with lifesaving measures, according to police on Twitter clock 18.31.

car drove on highway 415 north of Tvedestrand when it ran out and ended up in Ubergsvann.

According Fædrelandsvennens freelance photographer’s air ambulance, three patrol cars, two ambulances and a fire truck at the scene.

fire department in Vegarshei came to the place of their divers. The accident occurred on a curve on Highway 415 north of Tvedestrand. The car was pulled partially out of the water and located on the waterfront.

person who was taken out of the car is driven to Southern hospitals in Arendal.



fire department has dived and searched around the car and along the bottom to look for more people, but have not found any.

– The fire department has now completed the search. It is not found other people, says operations manager law said.

Police dive

Polite reports on Twitter that emergency services are on site. According to the message they tried first policemen on the spot to even dive down to the car. Other people who had come early to the accident should also have tried to dive itself, without success.

accident was reported at 17.58 on Tuesday afternoon.



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