Saturday, August 23, 2014

At least ten children victims overgrepssak –

At least ten children victims overgrepssak –

A two-digit number of children are victims of abuse case in Norway, police said. Two women and three men have been charged in the case.

The case extends over several police districts have been investigating since last fall.

– I will not comment on the relationship between the victims and the accused, but it is a two-digit number of children who are insulted in the case, said police attorney Monica Hano in Southern Buskerud Police District told VG.

The accused are all 20-30 years and residing in Southern Buskerud, North Buskerud police and Raumarike . Four of the five have served in custody since being arrested last fall, according to Drammen Tidende.

Hano says police believe the abuse of one child to have lasted from the beginning of 2013 until the fall, just before police went to arrest.

In the Drammen Tidende experience will be talking about the sexual abuse of two children under ten years, which is a relative of one of the defendants. The case also includes charges of so-called grooming, usually preparation for future sexual abuse, and the production and distribution of indecent images of children.

Espen Wang Berg’s defense counsel for one of the men accused in the case.

– My client acknowledges guilt for a minor part of the indictment, said Wang Berg told VG.



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